looks like a bunch of fine hosers on this forum. howdy from north bay, ontario. ill be out west in a year or two, Lord willing.
West central Alberta between Eckville and Rimbey.
Yep there is a fair bit for sure.Right on the doorstep to some good mountain country.
You ever get hunter hosted and go back over there?
just for whitetails so far,i hunt sask every year too for whitetail lots of fun.
Missing top notch opportunity on big mulies, especially with a bow!
yah i know would like to do a antelope hunt too but never seems like enough time,if i could draw for sask mulies i would be all over it,i see 180+ers every year there & a few 200+ inch bucks.
I think at some point in my life I'm going to commit to moving to Saskatchewan for 2 falls just to bowhunt mulies there. Just have to convince the wife on the move, lol.