I was here some time ago and after using a camper, I missed my tents.
For one, campers cost $$$. They have tires and wheel ends that need to be maintained/replaced. Lights. Electronics. Pumps. All shit that can break and costs money to maintain.
It’s obvious, but they also cost a LOT more to move. Not so bad if “camping” is an hour away, but your wallet is gonna hurt the further you go.
They can develop leaks that can be costly to fix. Not only that, but rodents can and will get into it… remember all the pumps and electronics I was mentioning before? Yeah rodents love to eat wiring - at least it seems that way.
Finally, they have to be insured and tagged.
Put all that together, figure up how much it costs a month, then go look at hotel rooms and tell me which one is cheaper. For most guys, the hotel room wins out. I think I’d have to spend 2.5-3 months a year in a camper for it to break even.
A lot of the same guys who bitch about how “uncomfortable” tent camping is have no issues dropping $30k on a camper, but will sit there and balk at paying 200-300 for good sleeping pads