Camp Navajo AZ, Unit 6B...anyone ever been?


Apr 6, 2012
Just pulled a leftover tag for an anterless archery tag in Camp Navajo AZ...couple miles west of Flagstaff. Anyone ever been on this hunt before? It is restricted mostly to military and AZ National Guard so a limited pool of individuals with any experience of the area. Just wanted to get the lay of the land if anyone has been there before. And also discuss the pros/cons of the limited access area vs. the main area where anyone with a permit can hunt.

If anyone happened to draw the same tag and wants to team up for the hunt let me tag is the 9-22 NOV. one
I have hunted all around it in 6B, will be up there again this year for turkey deer and bears. Lots of animals in the early hunts, look to water. I believe camp navajo has a wldlife biologist so you may try and give them a call. any other info send me a message. Daniel
I've done a significant amount of research, but I haven't been up there in years. I know Camp Navajo has reduced the size of the OB/OD Area (Off-limits area to everyone), but I haven't been able to get a map. Based on my research most of the elk hang out in the Limited access area, but I do not know the time of year they reside there the most. Have you been able to get any good info?