
Over the last 2 years I have purchased Sitka Gear in the open country camo. Its pricey but I got it for a good discount thru High Country Outfitters website...dont think he carries it anymore...but even at a discount it was steep. I'm not used to paying $100 for a pair of pants. I now have 2 pairs of pants, 3 core baselayer shirts, the kelvin jacket, ballcap,the traverse L/S shirt and the vest. After 2 years of use I have to admit its the best hunting clothes I've ever worn, the pants (ascent and mountain pant) keep me cool in the heat and warm when its cold, and theyre darn near waterprooff, and dry VERY fast. I know the pattern works...the last week of archery season this year I had 7 bulls within 20 yards of me, staring RIGHT at me...and they went back to eating and peeing (none were legal bulls or they would have been DRT...thats cop talk for DEAD RIGHT THAR...(I'm a retired cop)...other than the price its great stuff...
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also ref the elk hunting buddies say they lose me in the woods and cannot pick me out at all when I'm still...especially at a distance like across a bowl/basin...I can see them with no problem across basins/bowls in their mossy oak, realtree etc...they just look like a dark blob...I think most camo brands have "Rack" appeal...they look good hanging on the rack at Bass Pro the woods all those little leaves/twigs/sticks dont mean anything ...u just look like a dark 2 cents worth...