California and non resident hunters, where you at?!

Sep 22, 2013
The Commission and CDWF have been compromised political tools since before they closed huge fishing areas for MPAs, before they partnered with the Human Society, even before they gave unlimited protection to mountain lions and sealions with no sunset clause and are so corrupt now they passed laws in violation of their own protocols. I witnessed this corruption firsthand, fought it and came to realize they completely ignore consumptive users and the welfare of wildlife in California completely. The Commission and the CDWF is no different than the wildfires in California...they destroy far more than is natural. Howl all you won't make any difference. This is why hunting license sales in CA have plummeted to record lows and guy like me only hunt outta state. I won't fund the corruption. The NRDC is shelling out the coin to maintain the status quo. New and improved hunting in California is about as likely as popcorn popping twice. They use their regulations to drive conservatives outta California. I got an inside glimpse of the political game within the game by a veteran NRA lobbyist who showed me who to watch and had me follow and listen to certain people (w/o being seen) and learned how these groups use the media and political manipulation to steer California's future straight to Hell. It gives me no satisfaction to write this but if you really wanna better hunting to Canada and hunt there. You'll get to full draw more time in two weeks up there than you will in 20 years in California. Watch em put grizzlies in the woods once the wolves have gotten a solid foothold in CA.


Feb 10, 2013
Bruce, your post is mostly spot on. But occasionally fighting back does accomplish something, like a year ago or so when banning all bear hunting came before the Commision. Giving up accomplishes nothing.


Mar 4, 2020
I have no reason not to believe your experience with the commission Bruce, but I was shockingly impressed with the commission’s unanimous rebuttal of the Humane Society’s proposed “pause” on the bear hunting season last year. I watched the majority of the meeting live. The head of the commission actually stated the commission’s responsibility to protect generational hunting opportunities in CA regardless of how other groups “perceive” the hunting community.

I was surprised to say the least. Only time will tell if they continue to hold that line.

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May 13, 2015
I get where Bruce is coming from. Unfortunately comerical fishing interests were in fact catered to. And with 90 plus % exported out of the country, there is a negative benifit to the residents of the state, or better said, a negative benefit to those that should be represented in decisions and outcomes. However, hunting in Ca is no longer comercialized, and from past comercialization, we know that is not sustainable.

HOWL has an incredible track record. Bruce, you should check them out. Past losses does not mean things should not be fought for.