
The only problem with Nosler is nobody ever sells them around here. This town sucks for firearm related stuff. Not really any good gunsmiths around either.

Check out RBROS rifles, he's north of you in Elma. Just got my rifle from him and I love it. For most of my reloading the interent is my best resource and I have a Sportsmans 10 minutes away and a Cabelas a little over an hour away.
You can't go wrong with a Nosler Partition. I use Hornady SP for practice and they group very close to the Partitions. 75.5 grs of RL22 and a 180 NP was scary accurate in my 300. I sold it since my 06 killed everything just as dead and weighed a significant bit less, but I still use NP and H SP.
I like Accubonds for all-around performers. I've also shot a few Hornady Interlocks, Sierras, Partitions, and Barnes X, and Hornady GMX.
I'll be the black sheep of this thread but I have always used Nosler Ballistic Tips and have had perfect results from Coyotes, deer, elk, buffalo and some critters in between... Can't use them anymore here in CA, now we can't shoot lead at critters cause we want to waste a bunch of money preserving a bird thats destined for extinction (condors)... Ok, off my soapbox now..