

Mar 2, 2012
SW, Washington
What do you guys think are the best bullets? I think I'm going to start shooting the Hornady 180 grain superformance SST. What has been the most consistant and accurate for you guys? And I shoot a .300 win. mag.
I have had excellent results with many bullets, but my favorites are Barnes TTSX and Nosler Accubond. Berger Hunting VLDs have also been excellent for me.

I have not used Hornady bullets much in the field, because it is hard for me to get them to shoot in my rifles when I have tried them.
Blacktail deer all the way up to Black Bear. Lookig at the nosler's as well. They seem like good ammunition.
I think the popular bullets all work well. If you research them all you will find positive and negative results. My friend was just going through this issue. I told him to get the berger and nosler sample packs from sinclair, we have already shot the sst in his 270 they were fair. When he asked me which bullet I thought was better I said which ever one shoots best as any of them will kill what you are shooting at if it hits where its supposed to. So I like bergers, nosler accubond, and hornady sst. The barnes are great bullets but the bc just isnt there for me.
I use 180 grain Partitions in my 300WSM. That load for me has been a consistent performer on game and will roughly shoot 1 inch groups at 200 yards. Most guns have a preference for certain loads. I tried the Barnes TTSX as I think it is a better bullet and either didn't spend enough time to get to the load I needed or my gun did not like them. That being said, I have a 270WSM (both of my WSM's are in M70's) and I have not yet got a load to shoot well. I need to work with the 270 more. I put the same 270 loads in my son's Titka t3 and it shoots great. Go figure. All I can tell you is the game you shoot and how well your gun likes the load will generally dictate the bullet you use. More time at the loading bench and on the bench. Good luck. By the way, I have some SST's for a 338 Win Mag that I haven't tested yet. I think it is a good bullet.
My buddy had a m70 coyote in 300 wsm that no matter what we shot it would put 1 3/4 groups or larger. Winchester didnt seem to think that was a problem so he ended up just selling it.
I prefer Bergers for hunting and I just like whatever is the most accurate in my varmint rigs. I shoot a 7mm SAUM and a 7mm WSM. The SAUM gets 168s and the WSM gets 180s. High shoulder shots and the animals don't even move. Hit the lungs and its almost as quick.

I killed a bull with the 185 VLD Hunting out of a 300 RUM. Range was 428 yards. I hit a rib on entrance. The entrance hole is small, it penetrated a couple inches, and then fragmented into a huge wound channel. Some portion of the bullet held together and fully penetrated. This bullet shoots very accurately out of my rifle, and has a really high BC for a 185.
Best bullets are the ones that will shoot out of your gun.
Out of my 7 STW Barnes LRX will shoot 4" at 100 yards, same for Noslers stuff.
Berger 180 VLD's will shoot 1" at 200 yards
I have had great luck with Nosler Accubonds and Berger VLD's. If I were to go the Hornady route. I would use the Interbonds.
The only problem with Nosler is nobody ever sells them around here. This town sucks for firearm related stuff. Not really any good gunsmiths around either.
Barnes Triple shocks and TTSX. I have shot a cow elk with 140 grain TSX out of my 7mm-08 up to 180 grain TTSX that killed my last bull out of my .300WSM.
The 140 grain TSX shot the best group of any gun i have ever shot and was plenty of good medicine for that cow.