Bugling updates?

Been in the mountains in central Colorado now for 7 days. Last Monday they were bugling everywhere, even kept us up at night. Got progressively worse from there. You might could get a single response to a locator call but then they were done. Had visuals in lots of elk but they all had lockjaw. Still scratching our heads. Of course we heard a bugle on our pack out. My buddies dropped down in to work him and I watched on ridge They had a smaller bull working a little as I watched a 5 cows and a real good bull sneak in towards them. Swirling winds busted them but bigger bull never made a sound. We got tired of trying to cold call them so going to another area. Hopefully a little more vocal
In Colorado, north of steamboat springs. Heard no bugles Saturday or sunday. Walked in this morning and had one bugling on mtn above me. I went after him. He went silent about one hour after daybreak. I lost him in the blow down. But at 10am he started up again. Next hour was a screaming match between me and him. Got to within 80 yds and he was coming in on a string and dang wind switched and he was gone! He was about 9000'. Currently, I am sitting at 9500' in aspen grove, drying my feet out. I fell in the creek chasing him.
South of Steamboat at lower altitudes (8k) there was a weather change last Friday which caused them to get a lot more vocal and start to herd up. Before that had a big bull come into water grunting and growling only (thought it was a bear at first) with one very quiet chuckle. Unfortunately this was at dark and didn't get a shot as I could barely make him out at 75 yards, but I think we ended up getting the same bull as we killed a big bull in the same area a couple days later.
On and off Bugling going on in Wyoming. Called in a few big bulls but non had cows with them. Seems like they are creating staging areas waiting to gather up cows. Others are seeing the same or bulls with one or two cows. Seems like the bulls are anxious for the rut but the cows aren't there yet. Hard to get them to commit all the way when they haven't had that first hot cow.

Anyone ever see bulls create staging areas before?
The wife and I had to come down to work a few days this week before heading up again on Wednesday evening. The rain and snow at the end of last week and Saturday morning shut down any vocalizations whatsoever for us. Pretty sure the elk headed for lower ground too, to wait out the weather. Just heard from a friend still up hunting and he related a few minutes ago that they have started being vocal again. Can't wait for Wednesday to get here. The cows should be starting up in earnest any day now!
@ Idaho Lefty

Thanks. Being a noob to elk hunting, I'll take all the advise and encouragement I can get. It was a 120 yard tall by 50-60 yard wide "rock glacier" that nobody wanted to step out into, and he had the shadows, I had the sun side so I would have been busted right away. I'll be back up in the rain tomorrow and give some more updates when I get back. Curious if they'll still be so vocal in the middle of a week straight of on-and-off showers.
So I understand that heavy rain and snow causes the bulls to go quite. What about rain or snow showers ?

I think it partially makes it harder to hear, but on Friday night there were some pretty significant rain showers and the bulls were sounding off everywhere. Now, on Thur night there was intense lightning/thunder and pretty significant rain and there wasn't a peep. The nice thing is that from a distance thunder and a muzzleloader sound the same, so I love rain during muzzy season as I've had elk stand there for follow up shots all the time.
Wed and Thurs in the ID panhandle was cold and wet. Even the chipmunks stayed in bed. Heard one cow call that I think was a hunter at last light Thursday. Today was much warmer and sunny... and I had to be at home. :mad:
I couldn't buy a bugle during the season now I sit on my front porch and listen to multiple bulls bugling on the hill across the road all evening.


Yeah I think it happened late this year in SW Colorado. I went out with a buddy last week of the season and that was the first time that we had gotten into em bugling.
I was told that the late hot season and lack of rain may have pushed the rut back a bit. It didn't seem to me that the elk were pairing up quite yet. Yesterday (last day of archery here) I heard my fist sparring match but not where I could get to. Bulls weren't responding to cow calls like I had hoped and nobody was really itching for a fight yet either. Heard plenty of screaming, but they just weren't seeking each other out much. Oh well. Wife's rifle season opens in a couple weeks.
Have a bull bugling and chuckling right now...he's been a vocal bull all through the rut..just haven't made it happen. Was quiet for a week until last night.