Found out we're having a third baby so all of my gear purchases are going by the way side for now, looking to just save enough money to be able to go hunting next year! Had a TZ5000 this year that I used and abused, carried my kit comfortably, the minor glitches that I had (two zipper failures and the sternum strap breaking) could all easily be repaired, I could easily keep it but I want something with more room. I have been looking at picking up a Gregory Whitney 95, I can pick up a used one for around 200 bucks on eBay, I should be able to carry a 80-100 pound load with it without any problems. Haven't seen any reviews on here or any of the other forums I frequent. Does anyone have any advice they can give me or suggestions for good expedition quality packs that I could pick up for a couple of hundred dollars since that's about all I'll receive for the TZ500?