Budget Binocular/Range Finder Recommendations


Jun 6, 2024
Looking to buy a decent set of binoculars that don't break the bank. Going to be elk hunting in CO this year. I'm willing to spend a few hundred dollars, maybe more if really worth it. Also may be in the market for a range finder, I have my dads golf one he just gave me but not sure how well it'll work in the field.

Buy these from this guy. About all you can ask for for that much money. I've got the same ones and have used them for years.
I have a set of japanese viper hds and a Leica 2000b I’ve been considering letting go of as a set if you’re interested.
Maven is doing 20% off on all C-series optics for the next 48 hours. Their C series binos are unrivaled for value per dollar for the sub $1k range, and at 20% off they’re a no brainer. They also have a c series rangefinder on the same sale. You’d be under $600 all in for a great long term optics solution.


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I'd lean more towards a better range finder as Colorado is big country and they can be way further than you think they are.

Maven RF.1 is $450 and what I would buy if I needed a range finder
All these binocular choices are very subjective due to individual eyesight characteristics. I just went window shopping for binos the other day and my eyes couldn’t use the $4,400 set of Swarovski I tried, but a $400 set from Vortex were fantastic. I’ve used Nikons for years, but just sold my last two pairs as my eyes no longer play nice with them.
Without a spending budget you will get every answer in the book. I use Zeiss conquest HD 10x42. I think they are a great budget binoculars for $800-1000.
Few hundred I like my Kowa BD 2s
Little more, the Mavens look nice