Browning new rifles including 7prc - how are the actions

If I could bring myself to only use a couple rifle, I'd consider the change.
I'd never change the 35 yr old original a-bolt 270 that was my go to for 25 years. It still wears the original no model name Nikon 3-9x40 and gets some action every year. I can roll running animals with it like no other.
Naah just got stomped by hard kicking A-5s and clones as a kid.
I also detest a Remington 700, but love 1100s.
I'm with you on the Remingtons. I have an 1100 from my grandpa that rocks and I don't care for the 700s either. But the A5 is just too cool of a gun with history a mile long.
Just bought an X bolt Hells Canyon speed in 7mmPRC. Had to wait to get scope mounts. Got them last night. Gonna go give it a try with the factory 175 grain ELDX in it this weekend. I really hope it shoots to the hype!
Just wanted to give an update on this thread... It looks like the X-Bolts in 7PRC are starting to hit the shelves. I ordered the X-Bolt Pro McMillan Long Range SPR in 7PRC (Model# 035584298) back in late April and it just came in yesterday. This model had everything I was looking for in a hunting rig; great stock, shorter heavier profile barrel for a suppressor, nice action, etc.

Truth be told I've got several X-Bolts, a nice dependable factory option in my opinion. Just wish there was greater aftermarket support for them. But again when I saw this model was available in 7prc I thought it was a nice compromise between sticking with what I know I like and going full custom when adding a new caliber to the safe.

I don't think you can go wrong with an X-Bolt.

For Reference:
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Have you got ahold of your rifle yet, and if so, how does it shoot?
Went out this weekend to finalize some ballastics info with my hunting buddies and took a couple minutes to bore sight. Wasn’t putting a whole lot of time into this rifle (was focused on my ‘06), basically just want wanted to get it on paper and squeeze the trigger a couple of times.

I put a Trijicon Tenmile 3-18x44 FFP on it, shot 180gr ELD-M to break it in. The Game Warden 2 stock is awesome, Tenmile is definitely my favorite optic these days, action is standard Xbolt smooth, trigger was registering 2.4-2.75lbs from the factory. Shot 6rounds using my a bore sight zero at 100yds from a bench. With out putting a lot of effort into shooting the group, just trying to squeeze off rounds between things real quick. So far I’m pretty impressed in the system.


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Circling back around on this thread, I ended up not wanting to wait for the 7 prc chamberings and picked up a speed sr in 300 PRC earlier this year. I put a V4 on top and ultra7 in the front. It really likes the factory cx 190s.
I'm really happy with this gun and after exclusively archery hunting for the last 17 years, I was able to connect at further than I ever have.
I shot this bull at 100x my closest archery bull of 5 yards.
Many thanks to everyone who contributes on this forum. You certainly shortened my learning curve.

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