Broken Toe?

You'll be fine. In high school I broke my second toe right next to the big toe on my right foot, during basketball season. I didn't miss a game. Two years ago I broke my right big toe in August and I was elk hunting in September. Just tape it to the toe next to it and press on. Rubbing some dirt on it might help too.
Buddy of mine broke a bone in his leg a couple weeks prior to season last year. Was quite the site to see someone in a leg cast and cruches hobbling around on the prairie spot and stalking. Still managed to punch his bow tag. Ha
Also, stop playing beer league sports.

I know more guys with knee issues from high school and beer league sports. Not even close to being worth it.

Fun to play but not worth the risk to dive or get serious. Know this aint you but high schools should be liable for the coaches pushing the kids til they get hurt.
Buddy of mine broke a bone in his leg a couple weeks prior to season last year. Was quite the site to see someone in a leg cast and crutches hobbling around on the prairie spot and stalking. Still managed to punch his bow tag. Ha
I'll be hunting this year with a guy who played too much sports - both his knees suck but he just keeps on keeping on. I'm tempted to bring a walker for him to use. Might make a good gun rest for him anyway - he can shoot.
I broke my pinky toe last July. Not just the toe but the long bone on outside of the foot as well. I guess it was broke in 3 places. I fell down my stairs at home. Anyway the Dr gave an air boot which I hated and wore about 2 days. I was pretty much fine by September and gave er pretty hard all fall. I was in a bit of pain at times but bearable.