I feel terrible for the man who had his cabin burned down. I listened to the podcast when it posted and it made me extremely uneasy when he was telling the story. It is good to hear that they have a suspect in custody and it sounds like everyone in the area will be better off when he is in jail.
I don't know how I would act if I was put in his situation but I do know that being born and bred in eastern KY, I would do my homework before even buying land in my home county. If I was interested in land in another county in Appalachia I would be extremely cautious. Not because the people are bad, because these people are generally awesome, but you are talking about a level of poverty that most people haven't seen or been around. For all of the great people in this area you can easily find a few outlaws and they have nothing to lose. A perfect example is a few years ago someone tried to hire a hitman to kill a local attorney. The hitman agreed to do it for like $100. Fortunately he wasn't too bright and was arrested, but it just goes to show you what some people are capable of doing for little to no incentive.
I've never been to that part of Missouri and know nothing about the culture, but in Appalachia its sort of like the wild west. Even for someone who grew up here, moving 50 miles south east and I would be an outsider. People in this area are clannish. It has been that way for generations and unfortunately will never change. The level of distrust for outsiders is significant. "He's not from around here" is a common phrase people say. It doesn't just mean that this person wasn't born and bred in the area, it also means that he has no idea how we think or operate and doesn't understand the culture.