Brand of Brass for the normal guy

I should have also said, I’m not against premium brass for average rifles if it gives the shooter extra confidence, it’s just not needed. The placebo effect in shooting sports is a real thing and I’m as guilty as anyone of doing things that don’t always make sense in the name of confidence.
Use what you can get. Personally, never had an issue with Hornady. PPU was solid in my 22-250 AI. I shoot a ton of mixed headstamp out of my 223 and 300 BLK ARs.
I’ve used Hornady, PPU, Starline, Remington, Norma. I’ve yet to have brass be my limiting factor for accuracy. Bullet and powder combo is usually the issue if it does not shoot for me.
ill splurge sometime and get the top shelf stuff just to try it out and compare, unless you wanna redline loads. The “every man’s brass” will work fine.
I’ve been happy with Starline In 4 different rifles, reasonably priced.
Been reloading with accuracy as my ultimate goal for 30 years.
FINALLY about 6-8 years ago accepted
NO WAY can I possibly at this point in this day and age of ultra high tech reloading gear afford let alone justify to spend the money needed to reach my ultimate accuracy goals as the cost of the better annealing units and ultra high accuracy powder dispenser/scale combos were just to costly FOR ME. Now add in the cost of other very useful reloading tools that check for bullet and case concentricity and it quickly starts to add up to thousands of dollars.

I have reloaded A LOT of 338wm, 300wm, 300wsm, 35 Remington, 7mmstw, 6.5x55. Used Winchester, Federal, Remington, Hornady and in 308win Lapua brass. Please bare in mind all my rifles are 100% factory stock save for some have AM triggers in them. I honestly can say it all gave me consistent MOA or sub MOA reloads AFTER I prepped it and uniformed at to the best of the abilities of my reloading tools and culled out any pieces with unacceptable or uncorrectable defects, which if again IIRC weren't that many.

What IMO made the biggest difference in my accuracy (way more than brass) was going to the combination of free floating micrometer bullet seating dies with Redding body only sizing dies and Lee Collet dies

If you do buy Winchester brass just due your due diligence and carefully inspect each case for imperfections or inconsistencies paying close attention to the primer pockets and case necks and mouths. Again this is MY opinion only but unless you have exceptionally high accuracy goals with your shooting the Winchester brass should serve you well.

My most recent personal experience of the last five years with Hornady brass in 300wsm and 35R I would rank it as the best of the legitimate NOT match grade brass like Lapua or Norma and if you can afford it I would recommend the Hornady brass over the Winchester
Norma for the RUM.....price
Lapua for the 6.5x55....price
RP for the 350mag....was whats available
Anything small primer for the 45acp's......Thats what dorks leave in rock pits
243 is on starline stuff right now. Though its ate a few bags of RP and winchster as well.
223....went from lapua to range brass to PSA sells the crap for $0.50/round why am I reloading it:ROFLMAO:
If I'm looking for more of a "budget" buy, I'm going Norma then Starline. Other than that I really like Alpha, Peterson, and Lapua. I have limited experience with ADG but in my 25western I like what I see so far.
I have been reloading for 40 years when I started your choices were slim and money was tight I killed lots of game with a mixed bag brass and it shot plenty good to hunt with now that I'm older and have more money I buy good brass but to be honest I think any brass will give the average shooter good enough accuracy to hunt and have fun if money is tight buy cheaper brass so you can afford more components to shoot more
I have used all the normal stuff and Lapua as well. I have had good success with Sig, Norma, Hornady and of course Lapua for 1000yd shooting. Sig is a real sleeper IMO. I would not recommend any others for long range work. For hunting applications though, you can add Starline and RP into the mix. Starline is more consistent than RP but both last a while. FC brass is acceptable if that is all you can get. It is consistent but the primer pockets get loose way too fast and I never "push" the limits in reloading. I have never had good luck with WW. It split easily and just seems to not be up to the standards of the rest.
I have loaded and still use a lot of Hornady brass. It's been good to me.

That being said it almost costs the same if not more than my Peterson brass.
Norma SRP brass primer pockets are manufactured to a different specification than SAAMI. If you aren't uniforming primer pockets and measuring primer seating depth, go for it. Otherwise, avoid it.
Norma LRP is just fine.
Starline brass has been good so far. I don’t see a huge difference in accuracy between brass brands but I like stiff that holds up. The only brass I’ve ever used that I wouldn’t buy again was Nosler because the primer pockets got loose after only 2-3 firings.
I absolutely second Starline. also PPU may really surprise you. I've been pleased where I was initially compelled to use PPU due to availability. It is now one of my go to choices.

I certainly find that the consistency of brass (i.e. things like neck wall thickness consistency) can vary per chambering for a single manufacturer.

I use Norma often due to my Weatherby chamberings, but find it pretty soft.
Better brass as has been stated is just going to probably get you more firings. I just picked up a 6.5prc and searched for brass. Found some adg on sale and got 100 for 140$ shipped. Search around and look for discounts be it free shipping, clearance because a little money off and you right at almost the same price as “everybody brass”
Using remington, winchester, federal brass for my reloading after shooting factory loads. Get 10+ reloads and never clean or trim it. Oil it for reloading and wipe the oil off w rag, that kinda cleans it some.

Loading 2900 fps pretty much, not pushing anything hard w 30-06 or 243. Shoots better than I can. I measure the brass and it stays the same length, pretty interesting when reading about how folks trim their stuff all the time.

Hornady brass is softer and loses velocity w same load as the above brass...
starline seems to be working alright for me. I'm only on first firing, but I'll have about 500 pieces for annealing in about a month
OP if you are looking for 6.5CM, I have 1000s of pieces of Hornady I could sell. Some is dirty, some is clean/ annealed. Shoot me a PM if interested.

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Normal guys don’t have time to piss around with, cull and prep junk brass. Leave that to the retired folk!

Alpha, lapua, Peterson, in that order. No experience with adg