Boycott Dick's Sporting Goods

I bought some of my first firearms, ammo and reloading supplies at dicks before they were a chain when I was way younger than 21. Sad to think about, but forget them.
Bingo. Worthless store. Unless you golf i guess..

Jax in ft. collins no longer gets my money either. They took the same stance years ago.

I’m kind of shocked they haven’t gone bankrupt yet, I don’t know anyone that shops there.
I work right near one and wander through at lunch once in a while. Bought a muzzy there a few years ago, and I always liked their treestands (reasonably priced and solid). But, I started shopping there about 12 years ago. Over the years, their hunting department has been dwindling in size. They used to have 8 - 10 treestands on display as deer season approached, now only one or two. Seems the same for other stuff. So, I've been buying there a lot less anyway.
I think most of their business these days comes from athletic clothes and maybe supplies for team sports (baseball, etc.) and golf. Not so much hunting, fishing, or even camping. Probably would barely notice a boycott from hunters.
At one point, they used to carry First Lite gear. At least the one by me did. But other than that- I have no use for Dick's.
Does anyone even shop at Dick's in the first place? At least here in the Midwest I wouldn't even waste my time going into that store because they have nothing of quality and almost no hunting inventory.
In many places it is the only place to get quality sporting goods aside from hunting gear. Baseball for example, they actally carry a fairly good stock of higher end equipment that is used by athletes up to the high school level. Far better stuff than what you find at Big 5 as an example. Also fairly high end golf, running, etc. I believe shoes are far and away their largest portion of sales though. In all they serve a purpose. I will continue to shop at Dicks because they are close and the fill a need. I actually worked for Dick's about 16 years ago in Philadelphia and at that time it was a good company to work for also. Have no idea how they are now to work for.
I read the attached link and didnt see mention of it so i will ask. Does this also include Field and Stream as well? Dicks is the owner and i believe if they were truly interested in what they are trying to do they would ban them their as well. Misguided as i believe it is, they should hold true to their beliefs and not just try to appease a minority.
Hm. I haven't bought something from them in years, mostly because it seems like anything that's a good, quality purchase must be done online. Stores seem to carry cheap stuff.
I read the attached link and didnt see mention of it so i will ask. Does this also include Field and Stream as well? Dicks is the owner and i believe if they were truly interested in what they are trying to do they would ban them their as well. Misguided as i believe it is, they should hold true to their beliefs and not just try to appease a minority.

Yes it does.

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I almost never shop at Dick's unless I am bored and it is next to wherever I am at. Plenty of other companies to give my money too that I prefer. If possible, I have started buying direct anyway whether it is calls, packs, tents etc., or buy from local companies if they have what I need for archery or reloading. Dick's could go under tomorrow and I wouldn't miss them a bit.
Seriously? Who has been buying stuff at Dick's? Do you hate getting deals on products? Do you love over paying? I have been amazed that dick's hasn't gone the way of Gander Mountain for a while now. A lot of unintelligent consumers out there paying too much.
It’s a glorified clothing store get my kid football and basketball shoes when they are cheaper than everyone else. Don’t think the Dicks by us sells much hunting gear it’s more a Nike/UA/adidas store with some athletic equipment. They have a decent fishing selection for Great Lakes fishing but usually shop the local bait shops.
Seriously? Who has been buying stuff at Dick's? Do you hate getting deals on products? Do you love over paying? I have been amazed that dick's hasn't gone the way of Gander Mountain for a while now. A lot of unintelligent consumers out there paying too much.

I’ve shopped at Dick’s/Field and Stream. About 7 months ago I walked out with a Sako 85 Finnlight for $901 after taxes.

I would agree that a lot of stuff is overpriced and they don’t have as good of sales as other places, but you can still find good deals. At the time I bought my Sako, Tikka’s were $323+tax.

For the record, I haven’t shopped there since this AR announcement, and I won’t shop there again.

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This age-21 thing is a slippery slope. When we allow corporations to determine when our rights start, then you'll start seeing states or even counties restricting voting rights based on age as well. And as long as it remains ambiguous, we'll continue to see these things pop up. Especially when teenagers are allowed to walk out of school, protest, and try to dictate which guns should be banned. And ole Kasich is applauding them for that. So there are those that think teenagers are mature enough to dictate national policy, yet not mature enough to buy rifles. Ya, that makes sense.
I might be mistaken, so someone correct me if so...

Don't businesses in many states have the right to ban (or allow) firearms on their premises? I'm thinking the precedent here is that the law does provide some latitude to businesses regarding their policies on firearms as long as they don't violate state laws. Of course the issue of age discrimination is a different thing. But I have to wonder if a state would see it as true discrimination or simply a business exercising their right to manage firearms as they think best.

In any event, you'd have to know with 100% certainty that every one of these corporations examined the legalities of their decisions, and they knew there would be challenges.
But I have to wonder if a state would see it as true discrimination or simply a business exercising their right to manage firearms as they think best.

You mean like a private business managing their business as they think best? I believe the courts already ruled on that one, and ruled they don't have the right to manage their business how they want.
You mean like a private business managing their business as they think best? I believe the courts already ruled on that one, and ruled they don't have the right to manage their business how they want.

I just read the Ohio regs and a business can decide whether to allow guns on/in their premises. A bar, hospital, clothing store...any business can implement a no-guns-here policy as long as it's clearly posted. That includes those with CCP. I'm not inferring this gives Dick's the right to restrict gun sales to those 21 and over. I am saying that Ohio law allows businesses to decide their policies to guns, and wonder if that will extend to sales...especially in the current climate of attention to recent mass school killings. Food for thought.

OSBA | What You Should Know about Firearms in Ohio

New Ohio gun law expands where people can carry concealed weapons |

This one is interesting....

Businesses That Prohibit Guns or Have No Gun Policies | Concealed Carry Inc
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I don't have any problem with a business telling me I can't carry concealed on their property. It's their property and I'm willing to follow their rules. If I didn't like it I would take my business to the place that allows it.

The fact they are willing to sell to some customers who are legally allowed to purchase a firearm but not others as a matter of store policy should be illegal. Imagine if instead of age discrimination it was gender discrimination or based on race. "I don't think fat people should be able to buy pizza and chicken wings anymore, It's store policy and its for the benefit of our society." "I won't sell gasoline to a single person in a big SUV, it's our store policy and we need to curb the environmental impact of our product."

I think any business should be able to do business with whoever they want. Until then we need to take these companies to task. They can't have their cake and eat it too.