Background: I bought some Crispi Wyoming's last winter, wore them snowshoeing and turkey hunting this spring, virtually no issues one tiny hot spot in the spring while turkey hunting. Decide I love the boots and want to prolong their hunting life so I put them in the closet and wait for archery elk. In the meantime I got some 4d GTX for everyday and backpacking to high lakes. I also picked up some green super feet, first couple days between the Solomon's and the sf I wanted to cry, then things settled in and I fall in love with another pair of boots.
Current: Night before the season opens I pull the sf and put them in the crispis, little different fit and feel but still feel great. By noon on opening morning I have blisters on both heels. Next day switch back to the solomans, cover 9 miles, and can't even feel the blisters. I know logic leads me to the solomans, but am wondering if there is a way to lace the crispis to provide the same kind of heel lock the solomans provide. I hate to lose my ass on the crispis and try to sell them, any help is greatly appreciated.
Current: Night before the season opens I pull the sf and put them in the crispis, little different fit and feel but still feel great. By noon on opening morning I have blisters on both heels. Next day switch back to the solomans, cover 9 miles, and can't even feel the blisters. I know logic leads me to the solomans, but am wondering if there is a way to lace the crispis to provide the same kind of heel lock the solomans provide. I hate to lose my ass on the crispis and try to sell them, any help is greatly appreciated.