boot fit


Sep 26, 2012
Palmer, AK
Just curious since I haven't used boots with a shank before how much movement should your heal have when walking around. I tried on a pair today and my heal had some movement but not tons. The person helping me said that it would be somewhat normal due to the sole being so firm. I really need to go back and try them on again as ui was only wearing cotton socks and not wool like I would be in the mountains. The boots in question are the lowa Tibet gtx pros.
Thanks for the link. It says no movement at all however other sites have said that for mountaineering type boots with shanked soles there will be some movement and up to 1/4 inch could be considered acceptable. The man that helped me today said some play was acceptable. Anyone else?
Thanks for the link. It says no movement at all however other sites have said that for mountaineering type boots with shanked soles there will be some movement and up to 1/4 inch could be considered acceptable. The man that helped me today said some play was acceptable. Anyone else?

I can't say what is "supposed to happen", but when I got my first full shank boots (Hanwag Alaska Lady's) I noticed a little bit of heel slip right off the bat, and it worried me. I have tiny feet, and noted the slip in the smallest size of boots they made, so going smaller wasn't an option. After quite a bit of time in them last season, including two 10 day sheep hunts, I have not had so much as a blister in these boots. I think the small amount of slip I noticed was indeed due to the stiffness of the sole from the full shank, and it has never caused me any trouble so far....
Thanks for the reply Becca I am going to go back and try them on again, this time with the socks I would be wearing.
Sounds like a good plan Floorguy...I would walk around the store as much as you can, and see if you feel anything uncomfortable at all. I wore my Hanwags around the house for a few hours while I did chores one day when they first arrived to make sure they weren't going to start giving me hotspots. I wanted to be sure before I cut the tags off or wore them outside, which made them unreturnable. Not a perfect test but better than nothing...