Books to read while hunting

North of the Sun by Fred Hatfield

“Make Prayers to the Raven” while out on the AK landscape hits hard.

Arctic Dreams

Both of those are most excellent choices. Especially North of the Sun! Really enjoyed that one because I've spent alot of time in many of the areas that are in the book. Also apparently a friend of mine whose family is from the Dillingham area of Bristol Bay is a very distant relative of Klutuk (sp?) the native guy in the book that was killing the trappers and prospectors.

From a quick glance at my bookshelf herre are some other books that I have greatly enjoyed and highly reconmend:

Dangerous River by R.M. Patterson - One of my favorite outdoors adventure books of all time. It details the author's travels and exploration of the South Nahanni River, traveling by canoe, hutning, trapping, prospecting, etc. A very fine piece of writing that will inspire you to go find a long adventure somewhere.

The Arctic Grail by Pierre Berton - This one is a detailed history of the exploration of the Northwest Passage during the 1800's until the early 1900's. It's a very well written non-fictiction history book so can be a bit "dry" in places but the history of the NW Passage is fascinating and well worth the read.

Alaskan-Yukon Trophies Won and Lost by G.O. Young - Details the authors hunting expedition in Alaska in the early-mid 1900's traveling by pack horse train from Chitina, AK to McCarthy to Chisana and the White River country. Definitely deserves a place on any hunter/outdoorsman/Alaska-Yukon history buffs bookshelf.

Alaska Game Trails with a Master Guide by Charles Keim - A book of stories about Alaska's first Master Guide Hal Waugh.

49 Years in the 49th State by Patrick Valkenburg - This is Patrick's memoir that was recently published right after his passing. He was a game biologist in Alaska in the 70's to the 2000's. Great stories about flying, field work, and Alaska that are as exciting as they are funny!

Big Game in Alaska- A history of Wildlife and People by Morgan Sherwood - As an Alaskan, I found this book quite enlightening about the history of game management in Alaska. Here's a quote from a book review, "The development of Alaskan wildlife management is an engrossing saga, and Morgan Sherwood's vivid writing brings to life the people and politics that shaped its course. A symbolic legal confrontation over hunting rights between General Simon Buckner and the Alaska Game Commission is at the center of this story of the conflict between hunters and those concerned for the hunted. Sherwood shows how attitudes and values in the lower forty-eight states affected federal wildlife policies in Alaska."

The Quest for Dall Sheep by Jack Wilson -Old school sheep hunting book with lots of good stories. Includes the story of the at the time world record sheep- nuff said.....

Big Game Trails in the Far North by Col. Phillip F. Neuweiler - A fanatastic collection of old Alaska hunting stories from back in the day when polar bear hunts were still conducted out of Barrow via plane. Other strories about bear hunting Kodiak etc etc.

Trail of the Eagle by Master Guide Bud Conkle as told to Jim Rearden - Once again, many stories of the "glory" days of hunting in Alaska.