Hey everyone, somehow my 13yr old daughter has been showing interest in going turkey hunting with me this year. My gut tells me to get her out as soon as the season opens before she changes her mind She used to do all kinds of outdoors stuff and shoot with me until she turned 10 and I she kinda went a different direction so I don't want to mess this opportunity up. I'm planning to hit the Black Hills either April 8-11 and/or May 9-12. The weather will dictate when we go but I could use a little guidance on what to expect so I can plan accordingly. Mainly since she's only 13 I'm concerned about what style of hunting she'll be able to do given the terrain. Do you think we could even consider spot and stalk or trying to get ahead of birds if they're moving away from us? If we were limited to only trying to call something in, would you consider early April or are these birds just too hard to call in this early?