Man, you guys make me realize I'm not taking nearly enough photos with my dog. Here are a couple low quality shots but I need to get working on some better ones this fall.
From when he was just a pup learning to fetch.
Thanks for starting this thread and giving me some inspiration to take more photos in the field this year. I'm loving seeing all these dogs working.
Here is one from tonight. Last night in Fairbanks we got to hang out with her litter mates and did field searches for chukars in launchers and then shot over them if they pointed well. She did really well. Can't wait to get her on grouse later this week.
I don't have many field photos. Cell phone photo, so it's not the best, but here is my GWP and WPG, Cash and Kassie, counting down the days until bird season. I'm trying not to let them know how many days they'll miss afield due to elk season.
Kassie's first season last year. Pointing a hen pheasant.