
Dec 20, 2012
Hey guys glad I Aron told me about this forum. This is my first post I am looking to upgrade my binos and pack this year had a Sitka bivy 45 my boys bought me this year and I trashed it. I already have my pack picked out a kifaru timberline. I have a pair of leuplod cascades and need something better looking at kowa or vortex 10x42s has anyone tried these before? I have a 20x60x80 Swarovski scope so I need better binos. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
I haven't tried kowa but I bet bb has. Take a look at the Zeiss Conquest HD's, they are amazing and cameralandny has some good deals on demos. I have heard that the newest version of the Vortex Razors are really good.
Do you have any idea what type of a budget you're trying to stick with? That would be a great starting point for guys to help you with your sense in suggesting $1500 optics if your budget is $500.

I'm running zen ray ed3 10x42 and love them, a very good bino on a budget
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Do you have any idea what type of a budget you're trying to stick with? That would be a great starting point for guys to help you with your sense in suggesting $1500 optics if your budget is $500.

I'm running zen ray ed3 10x42 and love them, a very good bino on a budget

That is very true, budget would help.
The Vortex Razor HD 10X42 are within your price range. If you look at Arons reviews on several of the top Optics you'll see they're up there with the best! These are the binos I run & they have been excellent!

I haven't had the chance to spend much time with the new Razors, but for $1000 the Meopta Meostar HDs are awesome.
Hey guys I checked out the vortex vipers at Sportsmans and for the price I don't think that I can go wrong 569.00 on sale thanks for your help. Hope to keep reading posts and writing more posts and posting some picks of this years hunting
Yes, I was going to mention the Vipers HD 10X42, they are a great pair of binos! You will experience no eye strain with those HD's even putting hours of glassing time in! I can definitely help you out with a better price as well, no taxes & free shipping. Please PM or email me & I'll help you out. ElkNut/Paul