Binos - Eyecup and Tube Spacing Adjustments


Jan 28, 2021
I've never had high end glass until now which has resulted in me just adjusted my binos to what seems to look and feel the best. Now that I've invested in high end glass I'd like to get the most out of them so I'm interested in knowing how you guys run your eyecups / tube spacing and what vision peculiarities do you have?

I typically leave the eyecups all the way in - from what I've gathered this is typically for people with eyeglasses or contacts but I do not have either. When I adjust the eyecups and pull them out, it seems to have a 'tunnel vision' effect for me, narrowing the field of vision. I also have noticed that I run the actual tubes much closer together than most guys as this seems to provide the best field of vision- when I space them out, it seems to create a black spot smack dab in the middle of my vision.

For the record, last time I went to the eye doc a few years back I had 20/15 vision with a slight farsightedness so I'm wondering if this is why.