Big crazy in little California! The Colorado PAUSE act ballot initiative

Meat chicken life spans are measured in weeks...

Wait til they apply it to game. That elk was only 2!!! :ROFLMAO:
Wait till they find out that the hybrid turkeys and broiler chickens would all die of leg issues and heart failure if you try to keep them too much beyond normal slaughter age. Farmers will have to change over to low protein feed and probably resort to just feeding us the old egg layers if we make them raise the birds for a year and a half till slaughter.
Nevermind the antibiotics necessary to keep them alive packed in a chicken shed for a year and a half.
Can you imagine trying to fit a 40# turkey in your oven? Would need to cut the thing in half first.

I love this 25% of normal life span thing.
Could they still sell eggs?
And I'd argue that your bitterness and apathy is all that is wrong with this country.
Our states need every. vote. possible. to defeat these horseshit bills or we end up like Europe
Organizations like the stock growers and wool growers are on the front lines of trying to turn our country into Europe as far as hunting goes, but I respect your decision to white knight for them if that’s what you choose.
Beautiful Ram in your photo. How someone can have that experience and then be so triggered by someone not cucking for groups that nearly exterminated bighorns, and groups that throw millions of dollars into propaganda so they can keep diseasing bighorns, is lost on me. These groups pay lobbyists to have a year round presence in state capitals and DC, so they can continue doing things like running domestics in the San Juans.

This is a silly, emotional bill that isn’t going anywhere. No chance of it passing. People that push and sponsor legislation like this are fringe parasites.
I’m just pointing out the silliness of hunters getting all riled up to defend people that have been stabbing them in the back more and more frequently, but can’t be bothered to show up to do anything for their own interests.
The bill will fail and I’ll be as glad as you when it does. That may mean that the ag industry has to take a break from attacking hunting and wildlife for a minute to defend themselves to make it happen.
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Wait till they find out that the hybrid turkeys and broiler chickens would all die of leg issues and heart failure if you try to keep them too much beyond normal slaughter age. Farmers will have to change over to low protein feed and probably resort to just feeding us the old egg layers if we make them raise the birds for a year and a half till slaughter.
Nevermind the antibiotics necessary to keep them alive packed in a chicken shed for a year and a half.
Can you imagine trying to fit a 40# turkey in your oven? Would need to cut the thing in half first.

I love this 25% of normal life span thing.
Could they still sell eggs?

I got lazy with my turkeys last year and grew one out too long. He was 42lbs after being bled out and with the head off. I'll try to find a pic.
Organizations like the stock growers and wool growers are on the front lines of trying to turn our country into Europe as far as hunting goes, but I respect your decision to white knight for them if that’s what you choose.
Beautiful Ram in your photo. How someone can have that experience and then be so triggered by someone not cucking for groups that nearly exterminated bighorns, and groups that throw millions of dollars into propaganda so they can keep diseasing bighorns, is lost on me. These groups pay lobbyists to have a year round presence in state capitals and DC, so they can continue doing things like running domestics in the San Juans.

This is a silly, emotional bill that isn’t going anywhere. No chance of it passing. People that push and sponsor legislation like this are fringe parasites.
I’m just pointing out the silliness of hunters getting all riled up to defend people that have been stabbing them in the back more and more frequently, but can’t be bothered to show up to do anything for their own interests.
The bill will fail and I’ll be as glad as you when it does. That may mean that the ag industry has to take a break from attacking hunting and wildlife for a minute to defend themselves to make it happen.
While I completely understand your sentiments, it's not a bill it's a ballot initiative just like wolf introduction. Get it on the ballot and lie to get votes and bam, You have yourself a statute change!

I agree many in the livestock industries have harmed hunting, but if you don't think something like this getting voted in is a direct line to banning "the hateful murder of innocent wild animals" then I can't help you!
Organizations like the stock growers and wool growers are on the front lines of trying to turn our country into Europe as far as hunting goes, but I respect your decision to white knight for them if that’s what you choose.
Beautiful Ram in your photo. How someone can have that experience and then be so triggered by someone not cucking for groups that nearly exterminated bighorns, and groups that throw millions of dollars into propaganda so they can keep diseasing bighorns, is lost on me. These groups pay lobbyists to have a year round presence in state capitals and DC, so they can continue doing things like running domestics in the San Juans.

This is a silly, emotional bill that isn’t going anywhere. No chance of it passing. People that push and sponsor legislation like this are fringe parasites.
I’m just pointing out the silliness of hunters getting all riled up to defend people that have been stabbing them in the back more and more frequently, but can’t be bothered to show up to do anything for their own interests.
The bill will fail and I’ll be as glad as you when it does. That may mean that the ag industry has to take a break from attacking hunting and wildlife for a minute to defend themselves to make it happen.
While I applaud your creativeness in making up verbs, I must ask how many domestic chickens, turkeys, and pigs have you seen comingling with wild sheep?

All I am saying is you might want to shave some bristles off that brush because the swath you are painting is way too wide.
Getting even with them would be urging hunting organizations to support this bill. That’s not what I suggested.
I suggested that they have plenty of money and influence on their own to fight this. They have made it a point to become our enemies by trying to privatize elk hunting across the west and lying about and trying to dismiss science that shows that their domestic sheep are incompatible with bighorns. They have exponentially more money and influence than us. They don’t need our help on this and they certainly don’t deserve it.
My point is that this isn’t a hunting or hunter issue. They’re never there for us, and are quite frequently on the other team throwing their weight against us. That’s their choice that they made.
Shut the ranchers and farmers down ( they have a small fraction of the money of a Ted Turner type now infesting the west) so the ultra uber rich can purchase their large parcels of land, play cowboy/rancher for their other uber rich anti hunting, anti gun left wing friends and shut the land down to hunting forever and fence off their land to contain the king's animals. Ironic that you brought Europe up where hunting is generally for the politically connected and the rich. Well the BHA types really support this movement. Goes to show their true intent is not for the sportsmen.

So farmers and ranchers hate the dyi hunter? I have over 40 years experience working, hunting on many farms and ranches throughout the US and Canada, Mexico and think you're very wrong and misinformed.
It must be empowering to sit around all day, every day and come up with ideas that go beyond what any normal person could imagine and then coerce those same people into submission and acceptance. Celebrate and begin the process all over again until you redefine "normal" and you break the system.

Power redefined.
I gotta get out of this state....
That kinda thinking is what allowed the libtards to rule California which was a monumental miscalculation. As goes goes the nation. Some of us diehard conservatives remain and fight the good fight but trust me, turning tail and running never leads to a positive outcome. I hope Coloradans understand they must fight or lose everything.
That kinda thinking is what allowed the libtards to rule California which was a monumental miscalculation. As goes goes the nation. Some of us diehard conservatives remain and fight the good fight but trust me, turning tail and running never leads to a positive outcome. I hope Coloradans understand they must fight or lose everything.
Mommy, Where does free range organic beef, pork, eggs and chicken come from? From the grocery store silly.

Nothing dumber than anti ranching, anti farming progressive.
Another glaring example of how liberals are miserable people. They can never actually be happy with anything that's "normal" & traditional American values. They live miserable lives devoid of anything meaningful. They're constantly try to force everyone else to believe in complete bullsh*t such as: God doesn't exist, solve problems with more government, man made global warming, there's more than 2 genders, racism everywhere, nothing is immoral, etc. Then maybe everyone else will be perpetually offended & become as miserable as they are. It's tedious having to deal with this crap all the time.
If I offended anyone, I'll go ahead & apologize for your hurt feelings... but you know I'm right.
Another glaring example of how liberals are miserable people. They can never actually be happy with anything that's "normal" & traditional American values. They live miserable lives devoid of anything meaningful. They're constantly try to force everyone else to believe in complete bullsh*t such as: God doesn't exist, solve problems with more government, man made global warming, there's more than 2 genders, racism everywhere, nothing is immoral, etc. Then maybe everyone else will be perpetually offended & become as miserable as they are. It's tedious having to deal with this crap all the time.
If I offended anyone, I'll go ahead & apologize for your hurt feelings... but you know I'm right.
Kind of sounds like they triggered you into being pretty miserable worrying about what they think...
Another glaring example of how liberals are miserable people. They can never actually be happy with anything that's "normal" & traditional American values. They live miserable lives devoid of anything meaningful. They're constantly try to force everyone else to believe in complete bullsh*t such as: God doesn't exist, solve problems with more government, man made global warming, there's more than 2 genders, racism everywhere, nothing is immoral, etc. Then maybe everyone else will be perpetually offended & become as miserable as they are. It's tedious having to deal with this crap all the time.
If I offended anyone, I'll go ahead & apologize for your hurt feelings... but you know I'm right.
Crow, I "like" everything except the apology. Make no apologies for common sense-based truth!
Liberalism is a mental disorder.

So I'm not sure if anyone else has seen this but I deal with lots of livestock producers in Nebraska and they are talking about the crazy in Colorado! This ballot initiative if successful would bring to a statewide vote the PAUSE act . . . Innocently disguised as the a Pet store consumer protection act this act would prevent any new pet stores, force existing ones to list prices paid to breeders AND make most ranchers criminals!

It would outlaw practices like Artificial insemination, preg checking, and AND slaughtering cattle before 5 years old!! It would prevent slaughter of livestock before reaching 25% of their natural life span. . . Arbitrarily placed at 20 years for cattle, 15 years for sheep and pigs, 10 years for turkeys, and 8 years for chickens.

All so we can sing and dance with the animals while they have happy lives!
These sombitches need to go eat their tofu and leave all of us involved I. Agriculture alone. Leave it to them and people would starve to death, and animals would overpopulate until they devoured the habitat so it decimated populations. Oh and let's not forget bankrupt the Agriculture industry!!! GRRR, morons.
Take as many kids fishing and hunting as you can. Tomorrow's voters. Especially kids that aren't your own. Its the only hope we have. Last weekend I took my 14 year old daughters new friend... she had never been fishing before in her life. She might be hooked.
Kind of sounds like they triggered you into being pretty miserable worrying about what they think...
No sir, I think it's pretty obvious I don't care what they think.
I've never been "triggered" by anything someone else said, that just shows mental immaturity IMO.
But I do feel sorry for them sometimes. I'd hate to go through life like that.
Kind of sounds like they triggered you into being pretty miserable worrying about what they think...
Aren't you the same guy who worked for the multi billionaire left wing Montana rancher wanna be Ted Turner who donated millions of dollars to ban firearms and shut off access to public land to hunt and fish? I used to fly fish the ruby river until Ted shut it down. This is too funny coming from you