Bicep tendonitis

From your description, its sounds as if you may have some programming problems.
At your age and presumably having some training history, every bench press session need not be to failure nor does every session need to be 5x5. You would potentially benefit from a Heavy-Light-Medium type programming and that 5x5 may only be once a week. You could even back that off further to something akin to 5-3-1 where higher volume happens every 3 weeks.
How frequently are you doing 5x5 at high intensity?

When you say 5x5 "until failure on each set", what exactly do you mean? Are you doing 5x5 with the same weight across all 5 sets? If so, you're not going to failure on all 5 sets. Perhaps on the last set, but the description is unclear. If you're actually pushing to failure on the 5th rep, there's no way you are repeating that for 5 consecutive sets. 5x5 at higher intensity (~90%) is never going to be "easy, but you don't need to be grinding yourself to dust with great frequency either and, as described "to failure" seems to imply as much.

Does you program include overhead (standing barbell) press? The press is a particularly great complimentary lift for the bench press as it strengthens the shoulders in a way, particularly the rotator cuffs, that tends to keep them healthy. A number of programs utilize the press on the "light" day since, by default, the stress is much less than bench pressing due to the inherent lighter weight. Its a great way to ensure longevity in the bench pressing game. You can also maintain a bench press reasonably well by exclusively pressing for a cycle of weeks at a time. -might be something to consider. I've known people with shoulder issues who have given up bench pressing altogether in favor of the press.
I do believe a programming change is in order. I do a 5X5 on a 2 day rest in between interval. I do as many reps as possible for each set until I get through all 5 sets. Have seen my bench increase about 40 lbs in the last 6 months on this program. I am going to look into the 5-3-1 program. I do overhead presses but with back support as I have to get my right shoulder in the right position to do them.
I do believe a programming change is in order. I do a 5X5 on a 2 day rest in between interval. I do as many reps as possible for each set until I get through all 5 sets. Have seen my bench increase about 40 lbs in the last 6 months on this program. I am going to look into the 5-3-1 program. I do overhead presses but with back support as I have to get my right shoulder in the right position to do them.

Yeah, I think that 5x5 volume day should be limited to 1 time a week with your 2nd (and 3rd?) session being a 3x5 light to medium sessions. You can also do a close grip bench press day on your medium day to reduce the shoulder stress in favor of tricep emphasis.

I would also question doing reps to failure on every set of. Do the 5x5 as intended: 5 heavy reps. If you insist on going to failure, save that for set 5, but that's accumulating a lot of fatigue. I think doing all 5 sets to failure every 2 days may be the potential cause of the injury as that is a lot of accumulated fatigue over the course of 6 months. 40 lbs on the bar is a excellent increase but it may the case that you need to slow that progressions down a bit more.
I do believe a programming change is in order. I do a 5X5 on a 2 day rest in between interval. I do as many reps as possible for each set until I get through all 5 sets. Have seen my bench increase about 40 lbs in the last 6 months on this program. I am going to look into the 5-3-1 program. I do overhead presses but with back support as I have to get my right shoulder in the right position to do them.
I love 5/3/1 but I much prefer the 3 month challenge using the Kaczmarski’s 8/6/3. You will get incredibly strong.

This is hands down the best website I’ve found for 5/3/1 and similar programs. Takes alittle to get used it, but the possibilities are endless for workouts.
Remember, muscles strengthen faster than connective tissue, you are wise to listen to your body.
I had the same issues with pull ups, turns out my hands were too close together forcing the wrong connective groups to work harder than intended. Training overload is a real thing, especially if you're running on a natural body. As @180ls1 said, listen to your body.