BHA Supporting Legislation Outlawing the Sale of Information on Big Game Locations


Mar 17, 2015
I was just going to post this.

This conspiracy is playing some complicated chess moves...

No, the refusal to stay on topic of the national org and not twist to chapters or individuals is the chess playing.

When the national org cannot be defended, when the funding is - as even Buzz has said - “is what it is”, and the fact that foundations fund exactly how and why I stated, then twisting to chapters or individuals is the only play left. It’s par for the course, and not unexpected.


Mar 17, 2015
I don't know that there is a trap to spring. It's pretty undeniable though that BHA is BY-FAR and away the most controversial (divisive?) hunting advocacy group out there (SFW aside, plus they're pretty well vetted, not to many defend them anymore). Every single BHA thread on hear turns into a complete dumpster fire of hunters fighting with each other. IF the intent of leadership or funders is to divide and conquer they're being pretty effective. It's been pointed out many times by many people that there seems to be a tremendous disconnect between rank and file members and the national leadership. I fully support the good that Buzz is doing here in WY, it's great. However, in all these back and forth's I can't recall anyone ever posting something and saying look at this great thing they accomplished at the national level. As a former member I'm constantly conflicted, wooed by the good things Buzz is doing instate and pushed away hard by the national leadership.

Absolute agreement. Buzz does damned great work, and I have never had anything but admiration for him.


Dec 15, 2017
Well enough to know that I have not and am not critiquing the work you do. You aren’t the org. The org is a c3 HQ’d in Missoula, and driven (no matter what the sales pitch says) by a handful of very large, very anti-hunting foundations who provide the majority of the operating funding and who likewise fund the litany of anti-hunting, anti-trapping, anti-management orgs.

That’s been the topic, and remains the topic, no matter how much you want to shift it to individuals and how badly you need that to happen since the critique of the organization is irrefutable.

Not only anti-hunting but also the gun grabbers. Board member that works for Kimber undermining your rights to own your weapon of choice. Hmmm...


Feb 1, 2014
What happens when you post shit that isn't true, as I've pointed out several times that you have done?

Its been pointed out now, that both CO and MT have directly opposed trapping bans in those States. For the record, the attempt in Montana was soundly thumped, in part due to efforts and a campaign by the Montana Chapter.

You've either lied about, or had no idea what you're talking about regarding BHA opposing trapping bans as well as funding access.

You're free to say whatever you want, but you have failed miserably to provide any proof of your claims/lies. Your story, make it as big as you want.

Oh, and Okhotnik, still waiting for the grounds under which a successful lawsuit should be filed regarding the Wyoming Wilderness Guide Law....
Perhaps under the guise of hunting now being a right in the state of WY and not just a recreational endeavor. Per Wyoming's 2012 law that mandated it as a right. It's outfitter subsidy, all it has been, all it ever will be. Be interesting to compare the numbers of hunters rescued from wilderness areas as opposed to hikers, climbers, hippies looking for themselves, etc. Guess you can carry a shotgun and tell them you're hunting grouse, don't need a guide for that. That makes you perfectly safe.

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Matt Cashell

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
Western MT
I don't know that there is a trap to spring. It's pretty undeniable though that BHA is BY-FAR and away the most controversial (divisive?) .


Not in my experience. I think the biggest criticism you will see, including in this thread, is that BHA is too inclusive. They do not give a political litmus test to prospective members.

That turns off some people, for sure.

Matt Cashell

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
Western MT
No, the refusal to stay on topic of the national org and not twist to chapters or individuals is the chess playing.

When the national org cannot be defended, when the funding is - as even Buzz has said - “is what it is”, and the fact that foundations fund exactly how and why I stated, then twisting to chapters or individuals is the only play left. It’s par for the course, and not unexpected.

The national org played an integral role in getting the Sabinoso access approved. They also rallied opposition to the various land transfer attempts over the years. It seems like those should count as victories.


May 27, 2017
Buzz, if BHA changed direction on the trapping ban, it was a second push and it was a chapter statement only (not the national org., which again is what I’ve been speaking to). I can tell you for a fact that they did not engage on it early and were not listed as a member of the coalition of orgs that banded together to oppose I-177. In fact, that Oct 14 post shows how late into the I-177 fight BHA claims to have gotten in, which reinforces exactly what the paid staffers state openly - BHA only gets involved once the work is done on legislation and it’s a done deal to claim “victory”.

I never mentioned CO; I had no knowledge of that one. I did mention OR. That ban was pushed by Klamath-Siskiyou, an org that shared not only funding but also a board member with the OR chapter.

I also did not realize that BHA as an org was funding access. Perhaps because as you illustrate that it’s done by the chapters (not an issue I’ve brought up; only what you keep wanting to focus on because the national level is where the focus has been), and it never showed up as relevant considering a $4M+ org with funding derived from the foundations cited and even you finally said that they are what they are - and as I said they fund what they do via grants based upon those criteria.

You can get as emotionally charged as you want. You can rant and rave and call folks liars as much as you want. That’s what happens when the facts of funding and association through funding with anti- orgs is indisputable. None of that changes what BHA as an org is or does based upon the funding that drives them.

I’ve got no emotional dog in this fight. I used to be just as much of a BHA KoolAid drinker as any other. Then, I started asking questions and looking very closely at things that ought not to have been. I don’t expect to convince you. That doesn’t mean that I do not continue to respect you as a hunter and for the work you do as an individual. Yet, none of that clouds what BHA is as an org and because that is what their funding drives them to be.

I'm not trying to make up your mind, you've swigged Will Coggins and Richard Berman's worked great on you. Your mind is made up and if BHA found a cure for cancer it wouldn't change your mind...that's fine. But, the untrue statements you made are not a fair representation of what BHA has done, nationally or at the State Chapter level. I will correct your blatant disregard for the truth.

As to why the Montana Chapter took a position when they did, timing on these things is everything. There is no reason to hit the panic button before something makes the ballot. Secondly, the push has to come at the right time to influence the undecided voters. I would have, and have, done the same thing on many issues. You cant wait too long, but you cant make the push too early either. While I wont speculate on why the Montana Chapter pushed their opposition on I-177 when they did, I can fairly assume, given the savvy nature of their local board, that the reason was about timing. You have to make the push at the right time. For the record, many Montana-centric sportsmen's groups were not mentioned in your article that donated a lot of time and money to oppose I-177. I'm a life member of one of those groups not mentioned and contribute to another, including funds to oppose I-177. Its not about who takes credit for what, its about opposing a ballot initiative that would have banned trapping. That simple.

Also, National BHA works on different issues than the local chapters, for good reason. I don't have time to fly back to DC to comment on LWCF reauthorization, National Monument Issues, and the plethora of other national issues that not only deserve attention from Sportsmen Groups, but are imperative that we address. National gives the Chapters the latitude, and support we need to address issues here. I can tell you that having someone from our National Board, from another State, try to sway a local Wyoming State Representative is going to be very, very ineffective. But, if a person from the Wyoming Chapter contacts those same people, they are going to listen, their job depends on it.

Its not that the Wyoming Chapter doesn't support National on issues, and vice-versa, its just wayyyy more effective to let Wyoming Residents deal with local Wyoming issues, and National to deal with National issues.
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Mar 17, 2015
Buzz; Coggins and his ilk are buffoons, and that’s being kind. Him and his want to make everything some partisan political circle-jerk and a litany of personal attacks, both of which are just disgusting. Frankly, if he and his bunch evaporated, the world would be a better place.

So, nope, on that one.

As for correcting “disregard for the truth”; I’ve spoken on the national org, not chapters. Your refutations fall to chapters. That’s not a refutation; it’s a twist and a difference.

I’m also quite familiar how the national org and chapters work, having been involved at both levels.


May 27, 2017
Perhaps under the guise of hunting now being a right in the state of WY and not just a recreational endeavor. Per Wyoming's 2012 law that mandated it as a right. It's outfitter subsidy, all it has been, all it ever will be. Be interesting to compare the numbers of hunters rescued from wilderness areas as opposed to hikers, climbers, hippies looking for themselves, etc. Guess you can carry a shotgun and tell them you're hunting grouse, don't need a guide for that. That makes you perfectly safe.

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Wont play when there is Federal Statute, case law, and the reaffirmed right for States to discriminate against NR hunters at will. The State of Wyoming could decide to not allow a NR to ever hunt here again, and there is no legal recourse for NR hunters.

I don't disagree that its 100% an outfitter subsidy and a terrible law, but it doesn't make the law any less binding or legal.

But, would be interested to hear you make your case based on Wyoming's right to hunt law.
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May 31, 2017
CO BHA submitted a written statement to the CPW Commission against the proposed bobcat hunting/trapping ban.

So a strongly worded email from a local chapter on a predator issue that has nothing to do with big game hunting and the enormous predator issues we face. Gotcha.


Mar 9, 2012
North Dakota
To those wanting BHA HQ to step into every state issue, I think it’s a poor strategy. Here in North Dakota, anytime a national org takes the lead on an issue, whether it be tobacco, taxes, marijuana, etc, the other side immediately says that “outside interests and dollars” are pushing the issue. There is far more influence in a local group (State chapter in this case) stepping up to take the lead or provide support for an issue. When locals are behind it, politicians and regulators take a lot more notice because locals with intimate knowledge on an issue are hard to dismiss. BHA HQ has helped the North Dakota Chapter in many ways that aren’t obvious to the outside observer while still allowing the state chapter to take the lead and ultimately choose the direction they feel is best in their state.

BHA HQ is focused more on lobbying for Federal policy and providing support to state chapters. S47, LWCF, and the Farm Bill are a few big ones that come to mind.


Feb 1, 2014
Wont play when there is Federal Statute, case law, and the reaffirmed right for States to discriminate against NR hunters at will. The State of Wyoming could decide to not allow a NR to ever hunt here again, and there is no legal recourse for NR hunters.

I don't disagree that its 100% an outfitter subsidy and a terrible law, but it doesn't make the law any less binding or legal.

But, would be interested to hear you make your case based on Wyoming's right to hunt law.
That case could be pretty convoluted, WY would say it only applies to residents of WY who voted that hunting is a right in WY. However, many states have those laws on the books, most of the SE states in particular have those, so if a NR hunter from one of those states was cited in WY then it would be interesting to hear the argument from both sides. Would certainly be a state's rights argument.

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Nov 24, 2013
Washington State
I don't know that there is a trap to spring. It's pretty undeniable though that BHA is BY-FAR and away the most controversial (divisive?) hunting advocacy group out there (SFW aside, plus they're pretty well vetted, not to many defend them anymore). Every single BHA thread on hear turns into a complete dumpster fire of hunters fighting with each other. IF the intent of leadership or funders is to divide and conquer they're being pretty effective. It's been pointed out many times by many people that there seems to be a tremendous disconnect between rank and file members and the national leadership. I fully support the good that Buzz is doing here in WY, it's great. However, in all these back and forth's I can't recall anyone ever posting something and saying look at this great thing they accomplished at the national level. As a former member I'm constantly conflicted, wooed by the good things Buzz is doing instate and pushed away hard by the national leadership.
Well said.

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Nov 26, 2018
Why is the BHA so controversial, and the RMEF not?

I’ll add this, I’ve seen the RMEF do a lot more for public lands and access than I have the BHA. I’m not saying the BHA hasn’t done good work for hunters, but whatever they’ve done I haven’t seen or heard of it. I know of and have hunted on tons of property thanks to the RMEF.


Mar 16, 2016
League City, TX
Why is the BHA so controversial, and the RMEF not?

I’ll add this, I’ve seen the RMEF do a lot more for public lands and access than I have the BHA. I’m not saying the BHA hasn’t done good work for hunters, but whatever they’ve done I haven’t seen or heard of it. I know of and have hunted on tons of property thanks to the RMEF.

Because the RMEF was started before the internet came along and established themselves as The Good Guys.

If the RMEF started today we would see the same conspiracy theories about them


Mar 24, 2016
Because the RMEF was started before the internet came along and established themselves as The Good Guys.

If the RMEF started today we would see the same conspiracy theories about them

So they have funding from sources as easily questioned as BHA? And they support politicians who have dubious intents? And they hide this now, how?