I'm with WRO, I've never even stepped into NM but live in OR where landowner tags are given out based off of acreage and the landowner can do what they please with the tags. I grew up in NEO and since I started elk hunting in the mid 90's we have easily lost access to over 100K acres of private land in the valley I grew up in due to outfitters coming in and offering big money to lease the land. Now during hunting season they patrol the borders, allow zero access, drive the fencelines keeping the elk from crossing back onto public ground and charge 10-15K for an elk tag.
A system that requires public access in order to get a tag would be a much better option in every state. As I'm typing this I'm looking out my window at about 20K acres that has zero public access, where they get 10+ bull elk tags each year not including all of the draw tags that get outfitted on the property. Talk about the kings forest, over 50% of the elk in NEO are on private property, 95% offer zero public access but still get all of their tags each year and almost all charge a premium to hunt, there are very few families run operations left.
It has been getting worse each year, growing up a lot of the ground was open to the public since the landowners wanted to keep the elk out of their fields, and before a bull elk was worth 10K+ to stoke some rich person's ego. When all the land was open to public access hunters would push elk up onto private ground, the herds would get split up and then they would disperse throughout the units on public ground. Now there are very few elk in any of the easy access areas on the fringes of private and there are thousands of elk down on the private that have never stepped foot on public ground. It isn't uncommon to see herds of 500+ elk during hunting season from the interstate during hunting season laying out on the private ground just above the ag fields. Most of the outfitters have hunters on stands between the elk and the public ground and when someone gets a shot opportunity the elk turn and go back further into the private ground. During archery season you can sit on the border and listen to elk screaming their way up the mountain and when you feel like they are getting close enough you should start seeing them a quad will start up and come drive the fence line to turn the elk around. They aren't chasing the elk just making themselves visable and the elk aware that they shouldn't go that direction, that normally causes the elk to either bed down or turn around and drop back deeper into the private ground.
I'm 100% confident that we wouldn't have these issues is we had a system like NM in place. I would love to see it adopted in every state in the west and have zero idea why BHA would be against it!
This particular unit has about 4K elk so about 13% of the elk in the entire unit are in this one field in a very small portion of the unit. Sorry for the crappy video but it was filmed with an old cell phone, you can still get an idea of the issue. The closest public land to those elk is about 5 miles away in one direction and 30 miles in the other direction. The video was filmed in the middle of archery season, sitting on an overpass on the interstate.