Best Value in Used Compound Bows

This is coming from a guy that bought a flag ship bow at full price from a dealership, wasn't happy with how they set it up and learned myself (mistakes included) on a brand new bow and 2 sets of strings, and a cam later...

Get a bow with a dual yoke cable system (the cables split in a Y at each end of the bow where they connect to the cams). This gives you the absolute amount of adjust-ability and you can tune till your hearts content. This will also make the other bows seem easier (no bow set up is easy if you're OCD). My personal choice to learn is the Bowtech Experience, you get the dual yoke, over parallel limbs which are more difficult to press, and a good customer support base (not the best but gets you through).

Many bows have this yoke system so have your pick. Be wary though, some Mathews have a 5 string set up and that's going to cost you in string cost. The regular buss cable set ups in most elites are simple and durable, which is why i own and shoot one for hunting with that system. But for target (indoor and outdoor) and back up hunting, I get the most tuning I can.
My buddy bought a 2018 Triax for 700 and the string burst on him after about 2 pulls lol
Mathews, Hoyt are going to be harder to find a good deal on. Pse, bow tech , prime , elite you can get ok deals even on new last year models. I would say the best deal is obsession, you can get great deals on used ones from time to time.
I bought a hoyt defiant on ebay 2 years ago for $400 as my first bow, i love it but i also havent been shooting the new flagship bows
Not true, they didn’t offer them for my legacy or out back. They told me to try and find used ones.
Yes it is true. Not sure what part you may be referring to but I can call them right now and order any part for both of those bows mentioned. Your DEALER may have told you coudnt get that part but it's most certainly true that you can get parts.
Prime Rivals are a 35" A to A bow that shoots very well for a lot of us. They have draw length specific cams which keeps the resale price low. If you find one the correct draw length (they run about 3/8" long on the draw at max let-off) they are a deal. They come new with lifetime string replacements at two year intervals, but only to the original owner. Prime strings are good strings in my experience.
I called all the dealers in town none had them or could get them. I called mathews and they told me the same. Could have been they were out of them , but if that’s true they didn’t say or offer them when they had them. And I don’t think they would “ make “ some for one bow. Reason I was In need of them I was giving the bows to a couple friends to get into shooting. If you could send me the cams I will pass them along to them. We Would appreciate it ! That would be a great gift right now, if you could send them to the guys I will give you there addresses.
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I generally prefer the longer ATA bows, have shot a lot of Hoyt and Prime, but I bought a used Triax for cheap, put new strings put on it, and I love it... Nice to have a shorter bow for certain scenarios, treestands or blinds, and this thing is quieter than any bow I've ever had, and pretty fast too. It does like a back / bottom bar though - otherwise it's real top heavy.
I called all the dealers in town none had them or could get them. I called mathews and they told me the same. Could have been they were out of them , but if that’s true they didn’t say or offer them when they had them. And I don’t think they would “ make “ some for one bow. Reason I was In need of them I was giving the bows to a couple friends to get into shooting. If you could send me the cams I will pass them along to them. We Would appreciate it ! That would be a great gift right now, if you could send them to the guys I will give you there addresses.
Unfortunately I can't ship Mathews parts or I would get you some. But I assure you they are available to order from Mathews through a dealer because I've ordered them recently for customers.
Used bows are all over the place right now. And I mean bows that are a year or two old in like new condition. The big three just released their 2020 lines and guys are dumping last years flagship bows to get this years flagship bows. And I’ve seen some really good deals out there.

I bought a Halon 6 that was a year old for less than $600. Looking at a Traverse right now and I am guessing that after the holidays the market will be ripe with like new bows for sale.

I can’t really justify a premium for a brand new bow when I can get a basically new bow for about half to 75% of the cost. I do all my own work on my gear so the warranty while nice isn’t really a big deal to me.
I generally prefer the longer ATA bows, have shot a lot of Hoyt and Prime, but I bought a used Triax for cheap, put new strings put on it, and I love it... Nice to have a shorter bow for certain scenarios, treestands or blinds, and this thing is quieter than any bow I've ever had, and pretty fast too. It does like a back / bottom bar though - otherwise it's real top heavy.
I always hear guys saying they like shorter ATA bows for tree stands and blinds, but how much does it really matter? The triax is 28 ATA I believe, so how much would you notice an extra inch or two on top or bottom of the bow? I would think that if you're within an inch or two of hitting the tree stand or blind, that you're too close anyways.
I always hear guys saying they like shorter ATA bows for tree stands and blinds, but how much does it really matter? The triax is 28 ATA I believe, so how much would you notice an extra inch or two on top or bottom of the bow? I would think that if you're within an inch or two of hitting the tree stand or blind, that you're too close anyways.
It matters more for steep shots wearing heavier bulky clothing in the late season. Steeper string angle gives better clearance trying to shoot at weird angles. I've tested looking for contact, and there are times it matters.

My other hunting bows have all been 35" AtA in recent years

Also, the Triax is damn quiet....
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I always hear guys saying they like shorter ATA bows for tree stands and blinds, but how much does it really matter? The triax is 28 ATA I believe, so how much would you notice an extra inch or two on top or bottom of the bow? I would think that if you're within an inch or two of hitting the tree stand or blind, that you're too close anyways.

An extra inch or two on a 28” bow doesn’t matter. Start getting up there around 35” and I have issues. I like to turkey hunt with bow outside of the blind, sitting flat on my butt. That said, in a tree stand, I’ve never had an issue with a 35”+ bow. I think I’m in the small portion of people that have a justifiable tiny bow. The regular tree stand and ground blind reasoning doesn’t really matter.

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