I have had good luck with The North Face synthetic bags and those can be picked up pretty cheap at times. I am pretty sure that Santa Claus is bringing my daughter a TNF Cat’s Meow (20 degree bag).
I also have a Western Mountaineering Apache MF (rated at 15 degrees). I really like it and I have used it from really warm too down in the teens. It is a little above your price range but you can sometimes find promos (rewards, not % off) that will end up getting it where you want to be, assuming you have something you can use the rewards on. The WM Apache is light and packs small.
I also have a Western Mountaineering Apache MF (rated at 15 degrees). I really like it and I have used it from really warm too down in the teens. It is a little above your price range but you can sometimes find promos (rewards, not % off) that will end up getting it where you want to be, assuming you have something you can use the rewards on. The WM Apache is light and packs small.