Best Song Lyric

Tell my sister I said so long
Tell my mother I did no wrong
Tell my brother to watch his own
Tell my friends to mourn me none

James McMurtry
Evan Bartels - Devil, God, and Me

Devil, I do have your name
Stuck in my ear and I'm to blame
And though I beg you, let me be
Devil, you ignore my plea
The crown of lies I wear in shame
What I would give to try again

Well, Jesus, may I have your grace?
Jesus, though I hide my face
And will you cast my doubts away?
Take my sins down to the grave
If there is hope then let me see
There is life for those like me

Probably not what you think it is. Go give it a listen.
I’ll tell you, some of their lyrics are bone chilling. One of my favorite songs is Dirt.

I want to taste dirty
a stinging pistol
In my mouth, on my tongue
I want you to scrape me from the walls
And go crazy
like you've made me

i mean that shit gets right to the core of it.
Mad Season. “My pain is self chosen”. Layne had a lot of demons that tortured and eventually killed him.
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True story... so it's the year "Baby Got Back" came out with a bang. I'm livin' in WestLA t the time. I'm on the strand at the beach. I'd often do like I did this day and take it all the way till it ends up in beginning of Malibu, then turn around and start heading back home.

Well... at the turn around... I start hearing that song blaring. But... it's coming from the direction of the Ocean, the water.

I turn my head to look out into the bay, and WHAT!? I sh*t you not... there in full color glory is some boat/yacht... with this huge BUTT thing strapped onto it.. pointing back at the shore, blasting that song presumably doing promotion for it! Was bleepin' awesome!
Not gonna say "Best", but damn... this song leaves a deep impact.

Immortal Technique has this song, "Dance with the Devil"... Damn... the story telling on this chilling, and has a surprise ending that's cold as hell.

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Long down the Louisiana byways
Lonesome highways roll on
Oh, won't You take me where the poor man lives
It's where I call my home

Can't you see that breeze
Nothing but a change in pace
Money can't buy my soul
'Cause it comes from a hard-earned place
“Be a simple man” - Lynyrd

My favorite song.

Avett bros have a bunch of great ones:

"Always remember there was nothing worth sharing
Like the love that let us share our name"

Bob Seger has a bunch of great ones. "Like a rock" still gives me goose bumps.
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Lyrics? I've got about 17 yrs of 'em that I've wrote down and sent to myself as emails. And you know why? Cause I came up with a super bad-a$$ verse this one night back in '05. And I couldn't quite remember it all exactly the same the next morning. From that moment forward I promised myself the moment I get these lyrical inspriations that I'd immediately stop and write them down.

Here's a few of em I've actually bothered to turn into tracks...

Evan Felker is a brilliant lyricist. Hopefully he can get back to writing songs again someday. "The Bird Hunters" is one of his finest:

Well the covey took wing
Two shotguns a-singin'
A pointing dog down in the old logging road
Danny got three and looked back a-grinnin'
I fumbled around and I tried to reload
The country was cold with the sun westward sinking
It's good to be back in this place
With my hands around a Belgian made Browning
My mind on the lines of her face