Best Slayer song?

War Ensemble
Saw the farewell tour in November. Ministry, Primus and Phil from Pantera opened. It was fun. Just like I remembered in the 90's with clash of the titans tour. Lots of grey hair head bangers.

When i give my kid a hard time about the crappy rap and Post Malone that’s so popular, she gives me a hard time about me listening to that “old” heavy metal. Then I remind her that there are a LOT more OLD heavy metal acts still touring the world than there are old rap and R&B acts. She says it’s weird for a 48 year old guy to listen to Iron Maiden, and I remind her that most of the band is over 60...and still making great music like they were in their 20s... I don’t think we’ll be seeing a 60-year old Post Malone touring a few decades from
I think its Seasons in the Abyss and its probably my favorite metal song of all time. The beauty of the song and with Slayer in general is their ability to create a spooky atmosphere with standard instruments and relatively simple songwriting. My other favorites are Spirit in Black, Jesus Saves, Mandatory Suicide, and Bitter Peace. But you can't really go wrong with the first four albums in general. I think once Kerry King started writing lyrics they got a little too gimmicky.

Angel of Death and the album Reign in Blood was integral to my music tastes growing up and really sparked a chain of events that shaped who I am. FWIW I think Raining Blood is the worst song on that album and kind of overrated in general, but maybe just because its played so often.

There's a lot of lesser known hardcore/metalcore bands out there, specifically from the 90s/00s who do a great job emulating Slayer influences into a fresh style. All Out War, Merauder, Ringworm, Integrity, Blood In/Blood Out, and Iron Age just to name a few.
So many great songs from a band that did one thing and did it damn well. Saw them a bunch of times in the late 80's early 90's and saw them on their farewell tour with Lamb of God. Love South of Heaven
The way the world is right now it’s like a slayer song. Covid-19 is gonna be thier next single. If Hannemen was still alive he would have already written it.

yup. Woulda tied it to biowarfare, localized holocaust, expendable nameless victims in the name of authority.... and I’m sure he would have included the phrase “gasping for your last breath” somewhere in there...
So many, but "Seasons in the Abyss" has a great intro......... better than the song. I can totally imagine what looking into the gates of hell looks like listening to that first 2 minutes. Or the gates of " Corona"

First 2............
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Thats Sepultura, but a great one!

You’re right. I was thinking of “Silent Scream”, not sure why I was thinking of the Selputura song. Though, on second consideration, I might like “Mandatory Suicide” better.

Been on a Sleep kick lately. Haven’t listened to any Slayer in a good while.
The entire God Hates Us All album is one of my favorites. I think Bloodline was in a vampire movie a while back actually.

It was the Dracula 2000 soundtrack. I remember listening to it on the bus non-stop in 9th grade. It had a ton of classic nu-metal and I think maybe one song was actually in the movie ha.
Seasons in the Abyss

Mostly, because it's the song that turned me on to Slayer thanks to Headbanger's Ball.

It's definitely one of the more easily accessible songs. It goes through some great dynamic changes. It has some great riffs. The chaotic solos fit the theme. Very singable with a campy chorus.

I like a lot of Slayer, but that probably is the best song.
Great slayer song... that's an oxymoron! Haha that should get a rise in this thread.