lol, welcome to Rokslide. The search feature here, or google, will let you know where (if) there are otc tags with your desired weapon. The “best” will be up for you to decide
Thank you. I’ve used Google for sure. Never as good as a rec from someone who has hunted a unit. Appreciate your thoughts. I’ll search the site.
Yep-brand new to Rokslide finding my way around.
Not lots of “Over the Counter” antelope tags anymore. I’ve seen Mexico(Or maybe New Mexico) mentioned here before. Wyoming sells leftover licenses after the leftover draw in July. Tread carefully, though… There’s usually a reason they’re “leftovers”. Sometimes public access is limited, or impossible, etc.
Yeah OTC, where any Tom, Dick, Harry, or Jane can just go buy a tag at any point, may only exist for archery only in CO. Now there are some easy states to draw, but that ain't OTC, and if its easy to draw, there is usually a reason.