Best pack frame for heavier loads?

Hard to say, everyone is built a little different (people). So the best one is going to be the one that fits you best. I have a K3 and it works really well for me, with heavy loads.
I have an Eberlystock skycrane for the heavy loads. It holds a lot of weight! You can fit two - 50lb bags of dogfood while bearbaiting in there if you're feeling froggy!
Still working on on the K4. Don't have it dialed in yet, but I think it's gonna be #1.

As of now, the MR Guide Light MT #1.
I’ve had the SG X curve and terminus over 100lbs and never wanted for more. If you have FOMO and going to try something else, I'd go with the K4
currently rocking a SG and curious about Kifaru and the new K4. Which would you guys think are best with heavy loads and attaching game?
Each of these is regarded the best with a heavy load by lots of people, it will come down to you personally.

For me, the k4 is all I could ask for in a hunting pack, the past few years I primarily used a kifaru, and it was excellent with a really heavy load.
I’ve run kifaru, mystery ranch and stone glacier over the years and just purchased the SG R3 after my original SG frame completed its 50th bull elk pack out. For me, nothing is comfortable under 80+# than my stone glacier. I can’t complain about my other packs but I always go back to SG when it’s gonna be heavy…
I have tried a variety of packs over the years and currently using a SG for most hunts. Still...after 20+ years my Barney's external frame is the best for big loads, 100# plus, like brown bear hides and 10 day sheep hunts. The SG is more comfortable for shorter hunts and 60-80# loads. My experience anyway...
I’m tall and skinny with no ass.

I hauled heavy with Kifaru for a couple years with no big complaints other than it felt like I was constantly trying to make adjustments to get it to fit just right.

I switched to Stone Glacier and it fits me better. It’s also a lighter weight setup overall which I’m a fan of.
I had a MR Marshall and it was pretty terrible. Straps not in the right places to really secure a load in the right position, frame flexed a lot and wobbled on my back too. I got rid of it and bought an exo K3 instead, I had used my buddy's pack and it is light years ahead. So much better at orienting and securing a load, frame much stiffer and way more supportive. Build quality better too, I broke a buckle on the MR first time out. The exo buckles are a much better polymer.

My needs are a bit different from most though. I have been hunting wild pigs and in most places I don't have the option to quarter in field, I just field dress then sandwich the whole carcass between frame and bag. The exo is far superior for that in my experience. Loads usually like 80-130 lbs that way. I loaded up the MR to 160-170 lbs once with a big bar hog and it was abysmal. I was genuinely a bit surprised it didn't break the frame.
The SG Terminus carried weight better than the Kifaru for me. I can't say on the K4. My older K1 was approximately equal to the Kifaru (maybe a little less), so imagine K4 would be better, IDK
I have tried a variety of packs over the years and currently using a SG for most hunts. Still...after 20+ years my Barney's external frame is the best for big loads, 100# plus, like brown bear hides and 10 day sheep hunts. The SG is more comfortable for shorter hunts and 60-80# loads. My experience anyway...
What makes the Barney's better than a Stone Glacier for the 100lb plus loads? Is it the straps, frame or something else?

I am in the market for a heavy hauler pack. Like the Stone Glacier because it has the load shelf.
F1 mainframe with a added compression strap kit is pretty hard to beat. I have an older badlands that I used to carry my girlfriend in on hikes for training for hunting season 120lbs for 7 miles and I felt fantastic I was also a lot younger and more motivated back then.

If it absolutely must come out in 1 load, it's the only way. Not the quietest, not the most streamlined, but it's been proven under ridiculous amounts of weight for decades.

Ask @BRWNBR for some of his Barney's stories...

Best regards,

I’ve done a number of ridiculous loads on an old aluminum external frame as well. Cabelas brand I believe. All heavy loads are going to suck no matter what and I prefer the rigidity of an external frame if I get in a pickle or have to have a huge load. That said I just got into a Kifaru Dall setup and am anxious to see how it does with heavy. Haven’t gone heavy yet just 60lb training loads.
Barney’s. The pack in the pic is from close to 20 years ago. I’ve had a few different generations. I have a current model. They have got better and better. Still a bit large and heavy but extremely durable and robust. When they are fit to the individual correctly, I don’t know that anything can compare regarding the heaviest of loads.IMG_0396.jpeg
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