Best light hunting arrow for elk


Aug 18, 2022
Looking to reduce my overall weight on my elk hunting arrows while maintaining FOC. Which hunting arrows (300 spine) around 9 or less GPI would you recommend?
Below are the 300 spine shafts I know of that are 9.0 gpi or lower. I haven't shot any of these, so I can't make a recommendation from firsthand experience. I would recommend that you not worry too much about FOC though...anything at or above 10% is just fine IMO.
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Thank you for the spreadsheet! This will definitely help. I am set up for this season but looking change to increase some speed. I will play around with FOC/total weight to see what speeds I am at and how the arrows grouping with different FOCs.
I'm running the Day Six setup this year (heavier setup), but I have ran the Victory VAP 300 spines with ethics outsert/insert system. I think I was right at 200 grain up front with the outsert and broadhead. I believe my overall arrow weight was around 460 grains. Had good success with it, and complete pass throughs on both elk I killed with that setup.
Good to know. I would like to be around that same set up with ~200 total grains up front and around the 450 total arrow weight for increased speed (less pin gap on 3 pin slider than with heavier arrows/less arch) and still have that weight up front for FOC (my groups seem to be tighter with the higher FOC ~15%) and penetration.
Just curious, why do you want to reduce your arrow weight for more speed for elk? What is your total package weight?
I'm currently at ~521 grains = Easton 5mm axis match grade arrows (10.7 gpi/295g arrow cut to length), 125g broadhead, 50g brass HIT insert, ethics sleeve 15g, aae max stealth vanes 3@ 9g each, and Easton x nock 9g. Would like to tinker with arrows arrow ~450g to see how they compare. I like my current set up but would like to see how the arrows fly at lower weight, which would also reduce the pin gaps allowing me to be a little more accurate with my 3 pin slider. Looking to play around with some different set ups after the archery season is over this year.
Got it. A lot of serious elk killers are really happy with that 450 gr range. That's been my go to (425-450) ever since carbons came out. Before that we all shot aluminum, which was before internet hunting forums, so we never knew we were supposed to obsess over weight and FOC. We just went out and killed shit. 😉 You probably won't see much trajectory difference until out past 30 yards with the two arrow weights. I use a single pin slider set at 30, that's good from 0 to 40. Good luck and let us know what you find!
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I saw a big difference with my pin set at 30 between my 430 grain arrows and my 480 grain arrows. There’s way more trajectory difference than folks realize.

Gold tip Hunter XT 300 with their 50 grain inserts and 125 grain broadhead will put you in the 450-460 grain range.
This year I'm trying the GT black label quantum's in 340 cut down to 27.5" 150gr heads, TAW 445, 15% FOC.

So far I've been impressed with the shafts. Straight, durable, and fly like lasers. Not so impressed with the components but this close to the season I'm not changing anything else.
I shoot a 28” GT Velocity pro 300 with a 50g weight insert, 100g head and 3 max stealths. 450 gr total weight.
Black Eagle Carnivores get me to 21% FOC with 455 grain finished arrow weight (27" 350 shaft, 100 gr insert, 125 gr broadhead). Good balance of speed and trajectory for me, doesn't break the bank. Only drawback has been that it buries into the bag targets at the range.
Appreciate all the feedback! Have some choices and testing of arrow set ups to do before next season.
My elk arrow is a 4mm FMJ at 453 grains total. 297fps at 70lbs and 28.5 inch draw. Had a pass through on a moose at 75 yds with it.
I havent poked anything with them yet, but I just switched to Gold Tip Force(the velocity pro is the same thing, but comes with standard inserts)

They have tuned and shot absolutely lights out. I have them at 29", 100 grain insert, 100 grain point

515 gn TAW. +/- 16% FOC

This is the perfect balance of weight and speed to me. I'm getting around 278 fps on the set up and again, it bareshaft and broadhead tunes beautifully. Bonus points for not having to use some kind of half out or outsert which I personally despise.
Being low poundage I went with sonic 6.0, brass and 125 low angle broad head upf ront, wrap and lighted nock in the back. Deer season I'll switch back to 100's and get 290's fps