Best Light 250 Spines?

Nov 25, 2024
Curious what you all are using for a semi light weight 250 arrow. Got a smoking deal on a ton of new but old Carbon Injections which are serving my needs, but playing with the idea of going from 495 down to lower 400s. Thanks!
This is what I was going to recommend as well. Especially if you like standard .246 diameter, they are tough to beat for a lower gpi setup in 250 spine.

Another good option is the Easton Sonic 6mm if you prefer that slightly smaller diameter.

Good options for components for both as well.
No complaints with RIP TKO 250s. At 8.9 gpi, I think they’re about as light as you can get in a 250 and they have proven to be very durable.

Haven’t been tempted to try anything else since switching from FMJs.
I'm currently running the ultralight shafts from Crafted Archery. I cut them to 26.5 inches carbon-to-carbon and with 45gn of insert/collar on the front, 150gn broadhead, and 4 fletch Easy Vanes, they come to about 475gn. If you chose a different vane configureation and a 125gn or 100gn broadhead you'd be even lighter. The arrows themselves are very consistent as well and I've had great luck with them. I'm probably up to about 30-40 dead animals with them over the last 12 months or so.
Victory XV is 8.1 gpi in a 250. Ignore all the “fragile” info out there. Maybe in lower spines but I’ve not broken a single arrow yet that wasn’t entirely my fault.
Easton is supposed to be releasing a new 5mm soon. Sounds like its an axis but with lighter gpi. It was up on their website a few weeks back briefly by mistake and I got to glance at them. Im also looking to lighten up my gpi and waiting for them to be released before I make any decisions.