Hey all. I ended up taking a job at a very busy general engineering company knowing it would ruin my available time for "adventure hunting." Most of the land within a strike from my house is locked up by various owners etc. After some door knocking I ended up setting a blind up on some vineyard land in what is pretty likely the best deer hunting I've ever seen. This buck stepped out at a long range on Wednesday night. I made the conscious decision to nock an arrow and aim. It it felt good, I'd send it. If not, let down. Drew my bow, the pin sat rock solid and the shot broke. 12 ringed his heart and he was dead in less than 10 seconds. I shot him at 95 yards, seated, stable and steady in my blind. I normally would not take this shot. But I did. And the cleanest kill I've ever made ensued.
Good.luck to everyone!
Good.luck to everyone!