Best Backpack under $250

Stop buying lesser your coins and get a used Kifaru. Step up and have no regrets.

All my packs have to be foliage in color. The DT1 I promised my wife was “the one” or the “last pack ever”.

As far as she knows, my new pack is that same K-pack. I can never let her see both packs side by side. :D. Dead man walking.
Another vote for slumberjack bounty 2.0, look on ebags and you can save 20-30% and youll be under your price point

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A USMC ILBE GEN I or II is a great pack. And, can be had for 1/2 that. Buy a Kifaru belt for it and you'll still have less in it then $250. And, have one heck of a pack.
+1 eberlestock mainframe. Best bang for your buck by far in my opinion. I recommend them to any budget minded people that can’t afford a kifaru. I still have mine as a backup! Ran mine with a camelback zip tied to the molle and a dry bag for camp. Really all you need. Proofs in the pudding

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Hi Journeyman,

How old is the pack? How much does it weigh? It looks like the newer versions weigh ~8lbs. I don't have the 250 yet. I am working on selling some of my gear, but once I do I would be interested. I've got $200 right now.

How much would it cost to ship the pack? Also is that the pack and frame or just the pack?
Gregory baltoro and Osprey aether or xenith packs are also nice and can be found on sale for less than $250. Under $200 on now.
Sage advice....there are used Ospreys for half that price and they flat out work. Best packs in the world to many of us that don't feel like spending $7-800 on something with a "K" in front of it....
Put that extra money to your taxidermy or hunt fund...
Hi Journeyman,

How old is the pack? How much does it weigh? It looks like the newer versions weigh ~8lbs. I don't have the 250 yet. I am working on selling some of my gear, but once I do I would be interested. I've got $200 right now.

How much would it cost to ship the pack? Also is that the pack and frame or just the pack?

I think they weigh 8-9 pounds. It's the full frame and pack. I'd include shipping and paypal goods/services for $250. It's coyote and 7-8 years old. My brother worked at the ranch so I ended up with a bunch of packs and didn't hardly use the crew cab. Let me know if you're interested and I'll get it out for pics.
All my packs have to be foliage in color. The DT1 I promised my wife was “the one” or the “last pack ever”.

As far as she knows, my new pack is that same K-pack. I can never let her see both packs side by side. :D. Dead man walking.

I did the same thing except my 2nd pack isn't foliage, isn't hidden and I still wear the pants in the family. <g>
Hi everyone,

I am new here but I have been reading through a bunch of forums and it seems that there are many knowledgeable hunters on Rokslide. I moved to Idaho last winter and quickly purchased an external frame pack (Alps Commander) for elk hunting the following fall. I didn't care for the pack very much because I wanted something that I could carry as a day pack, could expand enough for multi-day trips, and pack an elk quarter. The Alps Commander seems very bulky to me and not easy to carry for day trips. It also does not fit me very well (5 foot 8 inches and 175 pounds).

I don't have much money to spend on a pack, $250 is my absolute maximum. Currently, I have been looking at the Eberlestock mainframe (used or new on sale) with their dry bag or the spike camp duffel bag. Additionally, I've been looking at the Badlands packs and if I can find one on sale, I may go that route as well.

I found quite a bit of information on the Badlands packs but I couldn't much information on the Eberlestock mainframe with the dry bag. Does anyone on here use the Eberlestock mainframe and dry bag or spike camp duffel combination? If so, how do you like it? Are there any backpack companies that I am leaving out that have bags within my price range that will fit my needs?

Thanks everyone!

Check out the slumberjack 4500. I have one I will sell you for cheap if you think it is something that would fit what you’re looking for. They pack around great and get the job done
Thanks for the advice everyone. I am going to look for a good used pack. I really appreciate all of your input.
Have always been happy with my Kelty packs, Bighorn day pack and Tioga 90 l. frame pack
plus the oldest that I can't find a model name for anymore
...and I still wear the pants in the family. <g>

I'd be careful saying things like that - you begin to sound like a misogynist and may effectively eliminate any credibility you have especially with the female members of this forum and hunters in general.

Edit: To the point of the post, I have wondered about the feasibility of a Mainframe-type pack loaded with a camp bag, ditching the bag when you set up camp, and do day hunts with the mainframe and small daypack attached - has anyone else done/tried this/can provide any more amplifying information?
Crew cab for 250$ is a good deal. At any rate if you don't end up with that you could always go the modified usmc ilbe route. Another member here took one and removed a ton of excess webbing and some other odds and ends and ended up with a lighter hard use pack.
"Re-play" sporting good type stores would likely have a variety of packs as well as some pawn stores, the Dana is good pack IMHO too.

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