Best 15x binos


Sep 5, 2012
Finally got a decent tripod. Now going to focus on glass. Just looking for recommendations. I really prefer binos to a spotter, as I get less eye fatigue w binos.
I guess I should throw the nl 12s in the question too. Has anyone compared the nl 12s to the SLC 15s?
I'd say the top two 15's are Swaro SLC and Meopta MeoStar.
I guess I should throw the nl 12s in the question too. Has anyone compared the nl 12s to the SLC 15s?
Yes, I own both. For glassing Coues deer I think the 15's have an edge on the NL's. The advantage is slight. If you only want to carry one pair of binoculars the the NL's would be the choice. Using twins or BTX I thought having the 12's would be a good option to have in tandem with them but other than testing I never put the 12's on the tripod. Others I know that owned 12's (El or NL) thought the same and they've sold them (but have kept or re-bought 15's). I'll probably move mine at some point.
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I agree that the Swaro SLC's and Meopta Meostars are the pick of the litter in 15's. I have had both. I like the 15 and 10 combo. If I had to go with one it would be Swaro 12's, either
EL's or NL''s.
Has anyone compared the SLC to Maven B6? Are they comparable?

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theres a great deal on a pair of sig zulu9's 15's on the classifieds. They get great reviews.

As a 15 SLC guy the Zulu 9’s are honestly amazing. I would bet money the new version releasing this year will be above the SLC since the current version is on par. They are great for the price.

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Swarp SLC 15x56. I ran those with SLC 10s and it was a great setup. An 8x32 and 15x56 would really cover most scenarios. I sold off the SLC line to upgrade all of my stuff but still kick myself from time to time for getting rid of the 15s. I'm the same when it comes to eye fatigue. I compared the SLC15x56, slc 10x42, and NL 12x42 for about a week or so and made the decision to only keep the 12s. Im looking for 8s right now.
In 15's the Swarovski SLC's and Meopta Meostar's are the top options. It's our pleasure, as a long standing supporting vendor here, to discuss the different available options and special opportunities with you. Please give a call, 516-217-1000, when you have the time. Thanks
What keep going back to, “what if I just run the NL 12s for everything? “. Would be huge weight savings with these in my bino harness and just packing the tripod

There’s a guy that did a comparison on YouTube of the SLC15vsNL12s. But the SLC he used wasn’t HD

I really wish I could find comparison pics with NC vs HD SLC
I hunt everything. Mainly archery elk, deer, bear, turkey, antelope.

A lot of backcountry.
Swaro does a lot with AK prisms in the newest SLC 15. I haven't looked through the Meoptas, but the Swaro SLC 15 HD on a tripod was the most effective game finding glass I've ever experienced in the big country of the Yukon.

I think my future glass for every rifle hunt other than sheep will be Leica Geovid-R 8x42 and Swaro SLC 15x56. Too bad I currently own neither. For sheep I'd bring my spotter.
I hunt everything. Mainly archery elk, deer, bear, turkey, antelope.

A lot of backcountry.
For all around hunting and if I wanted to save weight and space especially backcountry elk I'd take the NL's. I'll take the SLC's Coues deer hunting over the NL's but NL for everything else most of the time.
Swarp SLC 15x56. I ran those with SLC 10s and it was a great setup. An 8x32 and 15x56 would really cover most scenarios. I sold off the SLC line to upgrade all of my stuff but still kick myself from time to time for getting rid of the 15s. I'm the same when it comes to eye fatigue. I compared the SLC15x56, slc 10x42, and NL 12x42 for about a week or so and made the decision to only keep the 12s. Im looking for 8s right now.
exact combo I'm going to run
have the NL 12
going to add NL 8

NL 8x with a 12x will cover most all scenarios esp if solo.
If my son goes I'll bring the 8x and he will pack the spotter.

If we are cow elk or doe hunting the 8x would get the nod w/no spotter. Only need to find them and the FOV is huge.
I just bought 15s after a long time looking, researching and testing. I ended up with geovids and am very happy with them. I tried conquests and slc’s along with the geovids side by side. To me the slc’s were the best, the conquest and geovids were close but I preferred the geovids more. Had I not been in the market for a newer rangefinder I would have selected the SLCs but having a rangefinder on my 15s is sweet. I’ve got a pair of 8.5x42 ELs I keep on my chest and am very happy with with combination right now.

I was able to try out a used pair of 10/15 duovids and those things rocked! Had I not already owned my ELs I would have bought them and been done with it. I was very impressed by them.