Life is too short to shoot a rifle that ugly. It's not the only rifle out there despite what some of this site would have you believe. To each their own. Would you drive an ugly truck if it was reliable? Why when there are many options to find one that is both reliable and that appeals to you.
I get what you are saying but I'm going to play devil's advocate because a good looking rifle doesn't = a good rifle.
It's not the only rifle out there despite what some of this site would have you believe.
No one said it was but it has become the defacto standard to beat for a $700 rifle that you could never change a thing on (functionally) and be happy with it the rest of your life.
Because you can change the stock for a little extra $$. Your analogy falls flat when you take into account that a truck's body cannot be easily completely removed and swapped for another. The rifle action and barrel I assume are not what you find unsightly but the slightly more euro-styled stock. For the money you will not find a smoother action mated to a barrel with sub-moa accuracy and one of the finest factory triggers that I would argue even surpasses many of the aftermarket replacement options for other rifle systems.
The factory stock is more than serviceable but for more money a whole assortment of styles open up to you, but that's only if you care about looks over function. My Tikka feeds 100% reliably from the magazine or dropped in, you cannot bind the action it is so smooth.
Would you drive an ugly truck if it was reliable? Why when there are many options to find one that is both reliable and that appeals to you.
Absolutely! I need a car that is reliable, will fit my family and be affordable. I traded in my BMW 328i in LeMans Blue for my silver minivan because one of them met my requirements and the other didn't.
You left affordability out of the argument which may not concern you but many shooters do consider. That said, some of us only pay for what they can afford, personally I don't finance cars and therefore I drive what I can find in my price range, fits my needs and is available. That may mean I get a Ford when I wanted a Dodge but despite what the fanboys will say they all get you from A to B.
I also prefer to buy both my cars and rifles used, 5 years off a cars life gains you a heck of a bargain and someone doing the break in on your rifle for you saves you a significant amount of coin depending on the cartridge.
"Life is too short to shoot a pretty rifle without reliable feeding, smooth action, great trigger, widely recognized high levels of accuracy out of the box and a reasonable price point." - me