Beretta A400 Xtreme Plus vs. Benelli Super Black Eagle III

I own enough benelli's to know that what you consider "flaws" are not flaws at all. The early prototype SBE 3's had a little higher POI than what is customary on their other guns but it has since been corrected. Google it since that seems to be your go-to source for information rather than firsthand experience.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Also, for all the guys who seem to think the "click" is a design flaw, you better not buy an AR because AR's are built the same way. The guns will not fire unless locked in battery.
OP, do what others have wisely suggested. See which one feels best to you when shouldering it in the store and buy it. Fit it to you or have someone knowledgeable help you get it fitted to you, and use it. You'll likely be happy with either one. Unlike some, I don't need to hate on one mfr over the other to sway you in your decision. Thousands of benelli owners are not wrong. They use and kill with the guns just fine and it's the guys who seem to want to justify their decision to go another direction or who want to blame the gun on their own errors who like to hate on benelli.
Bought an A400 Extreme June/21. After duck season sold an 1100 20 and got the A400 Upland 20. Soft shooting and well balanced. I see no one has mentioned how FAST Beretta blink system is. I looked at the SBE but went the Beretta route and haven’t looked back. Took the 20 on a Teal hunt last and with Boss 3” shells the just over 6lb did feel like the recoil of a 12.
I have benelli montefeltros in both 12 & 20 gauge for upland hunting in NV. Zero issues with both in 5 years of hunting and clays. Had a franchi affinity before. Affinity is more front heavy since recoil system is in the fore end which I think is better for waterfowl & clays. Benelli recoil system is in stock so more back heavy which I like better for chukar hunting.

I want to but an a400 just cause I can afford it and enjoy different types of guns but I hate the stupid colors they anodize the receivers. I’m a wood and blued metal guy. If they ever offer one like that I’ll be first in line
If you don't plan on using 3.5" loads, don't overlook the Beretta A300 Ultima. It's 90% of my Extreme Plus at half the cost.
I just returned from a duck hunt and I’m in the (off-season) market for a new duck gun and was looking at the SBE 3 vs A400 Xtreme Plus. But I’m not a huge fan of or feel the need for 3.5” shells. Anyone else shoot the A300 Ultima?
The nice thing about the A400 Xtreme Plus is even though it's a 3.5 mag capable gun, they'll reliably feed and shoot pretty much anything and everything from trap loads up to and including 3.5 mag stuff. They're also one of the softest shooting and fastest cycling auto loaders I've ever shot. I have an older AL2 that has run flawlessly forever and added a new A400 Xtreme Plus last fall.
I’m having a similar problem. I’ll start with that I hunt waterfowl a ton. I put about 7 cases of shells through my 3 duck guns this season.

I have a late model sbe2 that didn’t get shot until Jan 21 so it’s essentially new, an M2 that’s only about 6 years old but has countless rounds through it already, and a 16 yo browning gold all in 12ga plus my 20ga is an a300

I’ve shot my dads 12ga Maxus and his a390s, and I used my grandpas 1100 as a kid so I do have experience with those platforms. I will say, I do not like the a300/390/391 platform. The berettas feel clunky in my hand, and I don’t like the safety position. However, my dad seems to have fewer problems with those cheaper berettas than anyone else I hunt with (mostly m2 shooters)

Frankly my two benellis point like they are an extension of my arms. They are light and I don’t need to clean them often. I love them but periodically they develop odd issues and have intermittent feeding problems. No matter what I or my gun smith does, I can’t seem to keep them running flawlessly for more than a few weeks at a time, especially my SBE2, and it’s not a cleaning issue. My m2 had an overly long break in period but did run great for a few years but is now constantly developing problems. Both guns have sure cycles in them at this point but I think im giving up on them.

My gold swings like a dream with the extra weight but it has to be kept very clean otherwise it will shut down completely. Unfortunately, on occasion if I’m shooting shells with lots of unburnt powder during a big rain storm sometimes it can’t make it a full day (45 shells maybe?). A few weeks ago during a goose hunt in a nasty storm I shot 3 boxes using my gold as a bolt action. I am not great at keeping it clean so it is likely relegated to back up duty.

Now the ask, do I continue to throw good money after bad and try to get my two benellis back to what they should be, knowing I prefer their fit and feel, or Do I bite the bullet, buy an a400, and learn to like the clunkier, heavier Berettas? I’ve personally never shot one. Is it going to need to be kept as clean as my gold?I know my dad doesn’t do much maintenance on his a300s/390s

I’d be more inclined to buy another gun if I could sell the SBE2 but i would feel terrible passing my problem to someone else.
I am firmly in the Beretta camp for autos. Have several, both clays guns and hunting guns.

I don't shoot 3 1/2" shells, ever. More shot in the wrong place does not fix anything. Shoot something comfortable that fits well. At the end of the day, and especially if you are hunting several days in a row, recoil adds up.

Yes, I had a SBE. Worked fine, did not like the fit and thought it had far too much recoil for what it was.

Headed out tomorrow with a 10 shot tube on my A400 extreme to help cut down the snow goose population :)
I bought a Beretta once to see what the hype was about. I too have much experience with other mfrs, including Benelli, Browning, Remington and Winchester. A friend of mine got a smoking deal on a barely used Beretta after 2 hunts with it cuz I absolutely hated it. Personal preference, I guess.