I do not hunt moose in a unit with on bone requirements. So I guess it all depends on where you are hunting, however, I would not want to pack out a hind quarter bone on more then 1/2 or even 1 mile.Was afraid there’d be a wide variance of opinion here too.
AKDoc, 10-4 on gutless. Hopefully we can get everything taken care of same day in the day light. Neither the all night trips nor returning to idle gut pulled the next morning sound particularly attractive.
How do you handle ribs off backbone and sternum without some sort of saw? And if going gutless, how get ribs off without puncturing GI tract? I have a couple DVDs that I need to start watching once a month or so. Just hard to find the time
I always try to butcher with gutless method. Ribs off bones you just cut them out with extra care around the guts, the top of ribs will have nothing but air behind them (normally with good kill).
If it turns dark (normally does) we make a meat stash, pack out one load, sleep and pray nothing finds the meat stash by morning. Meat stash - always try to keep it at least 100 yards away, cover from rain, get it off ground, and make it visible on approach for next load out. Always approach with extreme caution and never do this in the dark (to dangerous from terrain and bears).