Beereal Arrows

I guess also considering the RIP TKOs vs the East Match Axis. I know Nick On makes a custom fletched version of these as well. Should I consider those or just run the stock Easton Axis Match and glue in the heavier insert.
You can get functionally the same arrow from Black Ovis for $300/dz vs $350/dz for the Beereal version. But if having a cute little bee logo on your vanes is worth $50 to you, go for it.
Factory fletched rip tkos are great arrows. I started with a half dozen of them and still have 5 of them I shoot often. Now I fletch my own with Q2i fusion x-ii's and enjoy trying other vanes. Those beereal/nock on arrows might be great but I couldn't see myself paying that much for a dozen arrows.