bear hunting weapons of choice.

Like others have stated, I'd consider something more well-rounded so you aren't limited. Depending on what time of year you come here and what location you're in, the bears might be up high in the avalanche chutes and present you the best opportunity there. FWIW I carry a 30-06 through the rifle season with a 10mm on my chest and use the same round on antelope, deer, elk, and bear. I've never had a long tracking job (yet) and have been able to have some great opportunities out to 350yds. Had I chosen a more limited range weapon system, I would only have been able to capitalize on roughly 25% of my successes.
I have never shot a black bear, though have seen a number shot. I do spend a bunch of time in the woods around them though. This is in MN and WI not out West. Even in mostly dense woods my bear encounters are generally at a distance where I would rather have a scoped rifle than a lever action. Not there is never a surprise up close interaction but its a low percentage of sightings. I would think this would be even more true out there.

I would lean toward a relatively short barrel rifle with a relatively low power fixed scope as being ideal. Caliber would not matter much to me.