Need some guide and trip advice, with a twist: Daughter is currently 15 (16 in Sept), entering her junior year of high school in the fall, and wants to hunt bear, likely black bear, and probably in the spring in the lower 48. Canada is out until they change entry requirements.
Need recommendations for trips and guides. We're located in Nebraska and can drive, would prefer a two day drive (12-15 hours each day). Looking for someone with accommodations, food, etc. Over bait is perfectly fine. We've applied for Minnesota twice and haven't drawn, so may draw fall next year, but she would skip the draw if we happen to decided to go this spring. Can defer to 2024 too as it would be after graduation likely.
I've done a guided Idaho bear trip, and had a blast, but I'm not sure that rustic of a camp is right for a 15/16 year old young woman. sleeping four to a tent isn't her thing really. I realize that's "bear camp" but would prefer smaller (IE two of us in a tent/cabin together) accommodations. Tents or cabins are fine, outhouses are fine. We hunt extensively in NE and KS, primarily whitetail, mule deer and antelope and are not afraid to put on miles looking for game.
Thanks in advance.
Need recommendations for trips and guides. We're located in Nebraska and can drive, would prefer a two day drive (12-15 hours each day). Looking for someone with accommodations, food, etc. Over bait is perfectly fine. We've applied for Minnesota twice and haven't drawn, so may draw fall next year, but she would skip the draw if we happen to decided to go this spring. Can defer to 2024 too as it would be after graduation likely.
I've done a guided Idaho bear trip, and had a blast, but I'm not sure that rustic of a camp is right for a 15/16 year old young woman. sleeping four to a tent isn't her thing really. I realize that's "bear camp" but would prefer smaller (IE two of us in a tent/cabin together) accommodations. Tents or cabins are fine, outhouses are fine. We hunt extensively in NE and KS, primarily whitetail, mule deer and antelope and are not afraid to put on miles looking for game.
Thanks in advance.