I've watched the results of a big cow getting bit by polywire and the tape, but that was with a pretty hot AC energizer at my farm. I'm good with conductors of stainless or aluminum. Copper is king among the conductive wires without any question. All I'm saying here is that for the very small amount of conductor used in a backcountry fence, I've had excellent conductivity with stainless and a good (verified by testing) ground stake. I haven't used the equine tape since the mini-disaster I had with it a few years back. I would only use it in an area protected by trees. Snow and ice are also much harder on the tape due to surface area and weight. The (supposed) big advantage it offers is visibility. I can partially overcome that through the use of flagging tape, or better yet strips of aluminum foil which conduct energy if licked or nuzzled.
For my dollar, the 3 main things are 1) fresh batteries, 2) excellent grounding, and 3) snug wiring which holds up in weather.