Bear Creek AR-10 in 6.5.Creedmore

I personally have not been impressed with BCA's barrels and the accuracy that I've had and tried. I know other people have good luck with them though.
Thanks, been looking at reviews and most say they have a pretty good accuracy rate but then they are more than likley hand picked reviews, might just save a few more dineros and go for a Stag Arms.
I've got a 6.5 Grendel from Bear Creek, its their side charging model. I will tell you that on all the forums and FB groups I have been on most of the negative reviews are from people that never owned one. Are they top, mid tier, again no...but for a budget AR for hunting it does its job very well, IF you make a few upgrades. I bought mine as a complete rifle and it didn't take long to realize the lowers they use are the cheapest stuff they can source. I've added a Timney trigger, a new stock, and handgrip and for hunting it is now daugher certainly has no complaints, as according to her its "hers".


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Yes there are a few changes I would make to the rifle if I buy it the first would be as you mentioned there would be a stock change as for a hunting rifle I do not care for a collapasable stock, would more than likley replace the trigger group and also the hand guard as you mentioned. Thanks for the reply as I am still on the fence with this buy. I currently have and hunt with a ruger F.T.W. rifle in 6.5 C.M. and am very happy with it especially on Wyoming Antelope. Thought one in a AR-10 platform would be nice. Figure even with the changes I will be under what a Stag Arms rifle would cost me and would still need to make changes with that rifle. The rifle in the pics of your daughter is the same rifle I have been looking at.
Yes I built one in .308 a few years back, great rifle. I was thinking of that route just have to find a stripped 10 lower, so that also is not out of the process. I can buy this rifle for 950.00 which includes the taxes been looking at parts.
They are trash, I bought 6 of them and none are safe to shoot the headspace is way off, causing even the lightest factory ammo to blow and pierce primers. One didn't even have a gas port in the barrel. Bear creek customer service is an absolute joke. Took them months to get them back and still not fixed.



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