BC Guide Outfitters experience

Where is the SCI held this year, we have already sent him 9000$ haven't received a receipt or any other confirmation..
Unfortunately that was the start of our experience as well, and it went downhill from there. We had to constantly remind him who was hunting with who, and who had paid what. Everytime we sent him copies to remind him, he said he would let his "admin" (alluding that he had a secretary or something similar) know; and then a few months later the same process would repeat. After seeing his operation we realized he was just shifting the blame and there wasn't a dedicated "admin". I really hope things go better for you and your party, but it sounds just like what we and others experienced

I'm a BC resident and remember back then when the GOABC and the BC government sold out the resident hunters of BC. I have also guided in the past. This article above is full of lies and I'm not surprised the outfitter in question is right in the middle of it. The whole industry needs to change for resident hunters and also for those who pay their hard earned money for guided hunts.