Bare minimum at 30*

Dec 1, 2012
I am working hard on my gear list, getting a little at a time. If I'm sleeping in 30 degree weather or maybe a little less, what's the absolute bare easentials I'll need to keep from freezing my tail off?

I don't have unlimited funds but I don't like to cut too many corners either...
I use a cheap foam pad and a kifaru 20degree slick bag at that temperature. But that wouldn't cut it for a lot of people. If it gets much colder I just leave my merino layers on, kuiu spindrift jacket and a benie.
I am a cold sleeper so I would go with a 20 degree bag and long jons with a sleeping pad. Lots of people use z rest pads and love them. I am getting old so I like a little more padding so i use a big agness insalated air core.
I use a marmot sawtooth and a neoair xlite pad. Not the best bag but good for its price range. I've hunted The last two weeks of September in Colorado with no problems. Lows were in the mid 20's some nights. If you look for deals you could get both for around $300.
My thoughts on a budget setup that would keep you warm and dry would be a Six Moon Designs tent, Kelty Cosmic Down 20 bag and a Ridge Rest Sol Lite pad. You should be able to find the tent and bag on sale right now.
The lightest cold weather (low 20's) setup I've run was as follows.

Zpacks 20* bag
Thermarest NeoAir Xlite
MLD Soul Bivy
MLD Duomid Tipi

Worked to just under 4lbs with stakes and pole.

I also slept in my KUIU superdown jacket and pants, which I carry anyways in cold weather, and was very cozy.

You could cut another 6-7 ounces with a lighter bivy, but I like having a completely waterproof bivy for piece of mind and versatility.
Depends on how you sleep. I used a Eureka Silver City bag that I got on sale at Cabela's for $69. Used it several years with a 3/4 length cheap foam pad. Temps to the mid 20's and never got cold.

One of my hunting partners has a 6 moons down bag rated at 10 and sometimes uses a bag liner.

If you aren't a cold sleeper and on a budget I'd recommend a Eureka. Very light, compresses down to almost nothing and a great value.
I'm sort of a cold sleeper, BUT, having never slept outside in these temps, I'm not really sure. Do most of you sleep in your base layer+ insulation or is puffy gear a necessity?
Sleep in boxers and beanie on head plus eye patch is very cold. That setup keeps me warm. Might wear a pair of wool socks. I put extra clothes on top of the bag if need a bit more warmth. Anything inside the bag will get damp from moisture your body creates and starting out in damp clothes on cold days is not much fun.
I consider my base layers and/or puffy's part of my sleep system as needed. When the temps get colder I'm going to be packing this gear anyway and it is lighter and more versitle than just getting a heavier bag for cold weather that you will only use when sleeping.

In summer I might just sleep in boxers and t-shirt, in fall my base layers, and in winter my puffys. Regulating temp has never been a problem, and I've never had any issues with moisture.
Got a good deal on a BA Air Core sleeping pad through Sierra Trading Post that I ordered yesterday.

I'm doing internet searches on every product you guys name and taking notes so to speak.

Last night at a local sports store, I ran across a Mountainsmith Kenosha (think that was the model) for a decent price--didnt buy. Any thoughts on this brand? Please keep the ideas comin!!
Trapperjay. It is unlikely that the BA Air Core pad will keep you warm at 30 degrees. I had the insulated Air Core and sold it years ago because it was too cool and nowhere close to its advertised R Value. A warm pad is at least as important as a warm bag, probably more so.

EDIT: If you want to cross reference some of the gear you are thinking of purchasing (or get a second opinion) try Outdoor Gear Lab for some fairly objective reviews.
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