Barb wire fence around blind for Cattle?

Dec 31, 2017
So, in the past while hunting Wy I have put up barb wire single strand fence around pop up blinds to keep cattle from crushing them. It is a hassle. Has anyone had cows crush their blinds? Just wondering if I really need to pack in barb wire and posts?
Make sure it is legal. You would be basically blocking off some grazing land and the lessee may not like that. I would sure check before putting up a fence on public land but it may not even be an issue.
I have ran some bailing wire on some stakes around mine to help keep them away from the blind. There were a lot of cows in the area and they didn't bother my blind.
I had a blind damaged by cattle back in the bad, They tore the fabric big time and chewed up the fiberglass stiffener rods in the window flaps (which also removed most of the dye from the flaps). I strand of wire would be a good protective measure.
If you have cattle coming to the same waterhole you plan on setting up at, and you plan on leaving the blind, posts and barbed wire is the only thing that is going to save your blind. They are very destructive and have nothing better to do. If there are cattle around, and you're uncertain if a rancher will bring them in at some point, I always put the wire up. It is a pain for sure!

I often thought some pallets on the ground would work, looks like a cattle guard.
Found a monkey in our room on our recent trip to Africa. Open the door and back away, they'll leave. Start chasing them and they run the walls and get the squirts. Don't chase the monkeys away and don't leave a door open even for a minute