Bait for DP traps

Apr 14, 2015
What bait do you use in your DP traps? I have used sardines and marshmallows. Sardines seem to work better than the marshmallows but are extremely messy. Any better ideas?
Smallest, cheapest dog food with a couple squirts of liquid smoke. I normally put a few pieces outside the trap. Only fill the trap to about level with the trip lever.
I’ve had good luck with just tuna in oil. Heard a lot of people make a trail mix of cheap cat food and mini marshmallows. Bought the stuff but haven’t had the time to be checking them daily so I haven’t tried it out yet.
When I used to run a lot of live traps I would get expired/stale Doritos from a local store for free. Coons are suckers for nacho cheese flavored ones. They aren't messy and freezing wasn't an issue.
Canned mackerel below the trigger, marshmellow on the trigger, bit of honey/molasses/anise oil mix on the rim. Don't worry about the mess just clean the traps at the end of the season and repaint.
I prefer cat food and corn in the summer time but in the winter sardines or mackerel are hard to beat for effectiveness but also difficult to clean up and maintain.
I like to put a few pieces of dry dog food inside the trap to give them something to fish around for once they reach inside. I also put a few pieces on the ground around the trap to give them a taste to go with the smell and a small squirt of fish oil at the base of the trap. I have used canned cat food inside the trap and it works but when it dries in the trap its more work to clean out and in my experience isn't any more effective than the other way.
I like to use the hard pellet fish food on the bottom of the trap and a marshmallow on top of that just under the trigger. Sometimes some strawberry jam can be a hot ticket too!!
Whatever I have available. Dog food, marshmallow, fish guts, leftover chicken

Have had good luck with just about any food item
Corn and cat food. I take a squirt bottle and fill it up with bacon grease or fish grease and add that on top