Bag boil meals?

Jan 21, 2017
lincoln, NE
Saw a video where a guy made lasagna at home, vacuum sealed it. Then just boiled it in water to reheat to eat at base camp. Curious who's tried similar and any good ideas for cooked meals in a bag that I can just boil to reheat. Thanks
Spaghetti, pre grilled brats and burgers, stroganoff, pork loin and mashed potatoes, chili, stew, sloppy joes, fajitas, taco meat, goulash, pre made breakfast skillet....just about any meal that can be microwaved. Pre freeze and keep them in a cooler, and they last a long time. Easy prep, easy cleanup. I hate cleanup, so I usually eat from the bag.

I haven't tried pizza yet, but it might work. The water is just a heat transfer method.
I do this with basically everything in the chamber sealer. One interesting thing we tried was scrambling some eggs and putting them in a bag with onions, peppers, cheese, etc. and boiling it. Turned out pretty good.
I do this with basically everything in the chamber sealer. One interesting thing we tried was scrambling some eggs and putting them in a bag with onions, peppers, cheese, etc. and boiling it. Turned out pretty good.
Did you cook the eggs first or put in bag raw?
Pretty much any meal works this way. I try not to boil the water, but get close to it. Boiling water temps can break the seal or cause the bag to breakdown. When it’s your night to cook and you have chicken wild rice soup going with 4 bags and one of them is now loose in the stockpot…keep the temp down
Pretty much any meal works this way. I try not to boil the water, but get close to it. Boiling water temps can break the seal or cause the bag to breakdown. When it’s your night to cook and you have chicken wild rice soup going with 4 bags and one of them is now loose in the stockpot…keep the temp down
Nailed it.

If not back packed in and truck camping all my meals are pre prepared and heat up in hot water.

To the OP, darn near anything you want to eat can be sealed in a foodsavwer so no need to gather idea. start cooking and selaing and freezing.

Pro tip, for anything wagtery, freeze first, then vac seal to get a better seal.

I make a pile of breakfasst burritos, wrapped in foil before vac seal, red chili, green chili, stroganoff, ‘beef’ bourguignon, tacos, spagetti/meatballs, lasagna, smoked chicken etc. all made with a variety of whatever game meat I want to thin out each fall, and for any 5-10 day hunt, I have four or so varieties I rotate dailed for diinner and a breakfats buttito each morning. Works for me and satisfying every meal and fast prep and minimal cleanup. Swap in whatever you like. If a favbe food can be frozen and reheagted it can be in your rotation. Often I start with 20 or so pounds of meat, cut into cubes and stewed and then parcel that meat out into some of thre above favorites. In one nmight will make that sgtedwsed meat into green chili, red chili and stroganoff. then freeze into 1 or 2 person meals then vac seal next day.

By early august I hav er a freezer full of premade meals, usually more than needed for fall hunts.
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There has been years we did the boil in bag for our base camp meals. Many of the foods that have been mentioned. I know we've had shrimp alfredo, pulled pork, shredded bar b q chicken, sloppy joe, sausage peppers, mashed sweet potato, chicken lo mein, even ribs. All were very good.

I double seal each end of my bags when I know they are for boiling.
Did you cook the eggs first or put in bag raw?
I've done that also. We usually have various other ingredients like chilis, peppers, onions, cheese, bacon, etc. prepared ahead in ziploc bags. You can actually add whatever ingredients you like in a ziploc, add the raw eggs and boil. Suggest getting most of the air out of the bags to minimize the floating of the bag. Makes great omelettes or put it on a tortilla for a breakfast burrito. Best part is there's no dishes to clean!
Zatarans chicken and sausage are made every year. Double portion is vac sealed and flattened and frozen. They pack well and are a life saver after a long day of hunting. Warm with nearly boiling water and you have a hot filling meal. We did have a camp mate try this with freezer zip locs and it failed. The pot melted the ziploc and the chicken spaghetti was a bit soupy, but still filled our bellies.
Do this every year, meatloaf, sausage and rigatoni, elk enchiladas, ect...we get some fresh steaks and chicken for the 1st couple nights then on to the bag meals. I will do test runs all year long...wife will make something, I will freeze the leftover then reheat in pot of water when I am home alone for dinner..

It's works great, get back from hunting put some water on the stove with some bags gives you 20 min or so to sort gear and get ready for the next day..then a hot meal and bed. We also reuse the water for a couple days as well.
This is the greatest method ever for camp food.
Question on breakfast burrito prep, are they actually wrapped in foil, then vacuum sealed?
i never tried that. I usually just seal the assembled ingredients and warmed a tortilla in the pan.
If your camp has electricity, a souvide works great to reheat meals. But it will also cook un cooked meals. Set temp you want your steak, place steak and what ever seasoning you want in a bag, clip it to the side of the pan and let it go. When you get back to camp that night and it will be that temp. no over cooking. Works for all the food mentioned above also.